In the past you'd click on a stores Facebook page and if you liked what you saw, you'd head over to their website to buy what you want. That is about to change. Facebook announced that they would be testing mini-store fronts on the stores FB pages. That means you won't have to visit the merchants websites anymore if you already are on Facebook. It might make it easier to find deals on Facebook.
Personally I would still head over to the website because I can use Ebates or another site to earn cash back. They would have to be really good offers on Facebook for me to click through. I guess it's another way for retailers to make money, and maybe good for companies that prefer to have a Facebook shop.
Either way, very interesting... Thank you for sharing this! Shopify is already providing a Facebook related product. You don't need to go trough them though... If you Google "Facebook Stores", you'll also find results that indicate that it's not all great. It also suggests that this actually isn't all that new... I don't recall ever seing it though. I'll have to do my reading on the subject. Thanks again for sharing this!
Well that's quite convenient, because Facebook currently has business accounts where you can just check out the merchanise but you still can't buy directly and you will still have to make a deal with the admin of the account. If that plan becomes successful then it's another income source for Facebook.