Which is your favorite dog breed? I have had miniature pinscher, Pomeranians, German Shepard etc.. but I would love to have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. That is one dog I have always wanted. How about you?
My friend has two Miniature Schnauzers, and they're delightful dogs. They're small, but they're not 'yappy' like some small breeds. They love interacting with people, they're not so big that they need 5 mile walks every day, and they don't shed hair all over the house and your clothes. I don't have a dog right now, but if I do get another dog, it will be a Miniature Schnauzer.
Siberian Husky. They are beautiful!!! I have a dog. SHe's a mix between a lab and (we think) a hound. SHe's awesome! She's a great size, a great companion... but she's a 'mutt' LOL
I can't say that I have a favorite. Right now my mom has a spaniel who isn't the prettiest dog I've ever seen, but he is so sweet! My dad just lost one of his toy poodles who was also a really sweet dog. I like labs and retrievers and huskies are gorgeous, but if I had to choose one based on breed it would take me forever.
I've never had a dog as a pet, but if I had to choose a favorite, I always liked Golden Retrievers. They look so intelligent, loyal, and trustworthy I bet they would make excellent family companions. I've also read that they possess a very friendly personality so it's easy to trust them around children and my princess of a cat.
Basset hound for me. We had one when I was a kid and I think that is when I fell in love with the breed. They just have such a unique look with those short stubby legs, long body, droopy eyes and super long ears. Now that I am much older, I appreciate the fact that our old basset and me move around at the same speed...slow!
Yeah, You need dogs to match your temperament, your home, your activities. I could never be able to have a huge dog and take him for long walks. Small dogs are just right for me.. I think mutts are very intelligent too.. I wouldn't insist so much on a breed as long as I have the right dog for me.. and yet I would like to own at least one Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sometime in my life.
I don't really have a favorite dog breed in general, but I have always found chow chows cute. They look like moving, chinky-eyed stuffed toys.
I had a Shih-Tzu before and although I loved that girl with all my heart, I would never want one again. I promised her that I would never get another dog, but if I did then I would choose a Bassett Hound or a Beagle. They're so darn cute and easy to maintain.
My friend had a dog which was a Chow Chow and I absolutely loved him to bits. It was like looking at a small bear!
I completely agree. We have a black lab that is one of my kids. He is the best all around type of dog for us. He is a great family dog. He is loyal and can be a good guard dog. And he just has the most gentle and kind personality. We adopted Nashley when he was a year old, and he is now 10 years old. From day one he blended into our family and hearts. He has grown up with my boys. And now that my boys are teenagers he stil follows after them everywhere. He is always by their side wagging his tail and just happy to be with them. I just can't say enough wonderful things about our black lab.
I've always wanted a bulldog. French or English. I'll never come across one in a shelter though, so I doubt it will ever happen.
I love pugs and St. Bernard. The pug is so cute. I find ugly in a cute way. The creases in their face are really cute with matching bulging eyes. St. bernard is so huge but so sweet. He is a gentle giant. I love hugging it, except for the drooling.
I have always loved the Siberian Husky and have always wanted one. I love wolfs and I think that's why I like the husky cause it reminds me of wolves.