My daughter got her first Ipsy bag with the subscription I signed her up for and she absolutely loved it. She got 5 products in all and most of them were full size portions. I was halfway expecting the bag to be filled with cheap garbage, but was pleased to see that the items were nice good brands. This is a good way to get some new beauty products.
Ah, what a rewarding surprise! And a good way to guarantee people's loyalty to Ipsy because this offer proves they really do care for their subscribers. I can see you daughter probably jumping of joy after this gift
Oh, that's great to hear! I've been checking out some ways to try new beauty products, and Ipsy was one of the things I was considering, but I wasn't sure about it! I think I will most likely subscribe now. That's awesome that she got nice brands and that some were full size also, it seems like a great service!
I think I am going to sign up for one of these subscriptions too, but I will probably use Birch box or one of the others. This way my daughter and I can do trades if we get products that we don't want. She was so excited to receive her bag that she was showing it off to everyone.
I had to Google this site as I'd never heard of it before! I like the website, it's very girlie! It also seems like something I'd be interested in trying, but I'd be wary of them giving me a lot of stuff I don't like. I think the novelty would probably wear off for me after a few go's. IDK I guess I'd have to try it first. I saw quite a lot of brands I'm not familiar with or none that I really like.
I hear Ipsy is a great Beauty subscription box. I have signed up for Birchbox before and I enjoyed it, but I did not think it was worth $10 for it. I hear it improved now. I watch videos online from beauty girls and most of them prefer Ipsy over Birchbox.
What exactly is Ipsy? I have received emails about it but I think they're spam and always delete them without reading them. What kind of beauty box is it?