Well, its that time of year again. Anyone who has pets knows the urgency of flea and tic protection. I have tried numerous flea and tic repellents over the years. This is year I used advantix on my dogs. Its never let me down. This year, though, the fleas and tics seem to be a lot worse. After advantix, mowing the yard, and vacuuming everyday the fleas have still been on the dogs. Last night I sprayed them all with Adams Flea and Tic mist. After almost 24 hours its still going strong. Most sprays will last a matter of hours before they wear off. If you are looking for a real solution the low grass, vacuuming, and Adams combined with a drop repellant like Advantix will works wonders.
I use Frontline for my cats and dogs. I get them from my vet. When he doesn't have a stock, I just go to the pet store at the mall. It's a drop solution that keeps away fleas and tics. Have you tried Frontline?
You could try something else too. Apple Cider Vinegar is a flea and tick repellent. Mix the apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3. One part "APC", three parts water. Spray your pet with the solution or wash it with it. That would keep ticks and fleas away from your furry friend.
Inhave got to try that! It's only may and they are terrible. It's only going to get worse. I have no issue wiiith using more than one remedy. I'm currently using 2, anyway. 3 if you count flea baths on occasion. 5 if you count mowing and vacuuming. I have never tried Frontline! The Advantix is a drop solution. I've only tried that one and the hartz (which I think might possibly be made of pure water). I'm not opposed to trying it, though.
In the yonder days, we were deluged with fleas. We just moved to a rented house and we didn't know that it was infested with fleas. Not so many but enough to cause itchy skin and rashes that sometimes develop into skin wounds. We used Baygon spray. That did it. No more fleas, no more people too, hahahaaa. We had to get out of the house for 4 hours because the spray was toxic.
4 hours isn't a lot to ask for no more fleas. I spend more than that each week when I give the dogs flea dips, wash all their blankets, and spray down all the carpet and furniture. Fleas are so much worse this year than they have been. I can barely keep up with them, and all of my old home remedies is as useless as water.
You can use the usual insect repellent like Baygon and Glade. We use a number of bug sprays at home from various brands and tics and fleas have stayed away for the most part. This method isn't highly recommended, though, because you have to stay outside of the house and wait for the smell to abate. Otherwise, the chemical and its smell will compromise your lungs. If you can find an organic bug spray, then please do so.
I've had a big problem this year, and have seen many others complaining, as well. Apparently the Winter wasn't cold enough to kill the flea eggs, so there's a huge amount of them this year. The problem isn't quite as bad right now, because the cats have been treated with Advantix II I think it's called (I just took out the trash, so don't have the package anymore), and I recently salted the carpets, as well. I have yet to vacuum downstairs, since I salted it about 4-5 days ago, because the entrances are downstairs, and I think they are coming in on shoes, even though I've sprayed outside, as well.
It's always best to alternate between two safe but powerful anti-flea and tick medications because that ensures the fleas won't build up immunity to a given repellant. Likewise, you'll want to keep your home and surrounding property as clean and clear as possible to avoid infestations. Constant vacuuming and immediate disposal gets rid of fleas, although ticks are a lot harder to tackle on a property. Persistence should keep fleas and ticks at bay more often than not.