I have been contemplating ever since I had read the thread about planting vegetables for consumption. But this time, it is the flowers. My wife buys flowers regularly for the altar (she is religious) and I had noticed that those flowers costs a lot. In one purchase, she would spend a minimum of 500 pesos, that’s about $10. I am thinking that if I have those flowers in my garden then we can save money. But my problem is that I am not well-versed with flowering plants because my forte is edible plants.
You can visit the nursery to get an idea about the flowering plants. They are generally cheaper and they also grow fast. Here in my country, they also sell manure along with the flowering plant so the work is very easy. I personally have grown more than five varieties of flowering plants and all of them are in pretty good shape. Gardening is a very soothing activity and it is indeed a stress buster.
You make a good point since where I live flowers are used daily for prayer purposes. They aren't really costly to be honest and I buy them fresh in lumpsome (saves me a lot) and can even store them up in fridge for 2 weeks. The flower seller who comes at my doorstep is a very elderly woman in her mkd 80's and I feel its a good way to help a hard working senior citizen and so I don't really bother to plant flowers myself.
Nowadays you can have already grown up plants from nurseries and all you have to do is to take care of them with timely fertilization and watering. Also you can learn about flower gardening in Internet. I am sure there are many authentic websites on this topic. Like you I am also into vegetable and fruit plants cultivation. I am not so interested in ornamental plants. In fact I haven't thought of using flower plants as a source of income. This is really a good idea to earn some good money and also save money in your case.
I have a friend whos mom sells flowers in her own flower shop and she says she grows most of them herself. Some that won't fit in her garden she will buy off from another lady who sells them really cheap and then she will resell them for a higher price but she does add decorations or use nice packaging. She has grown her oen flowers for several years now and says she learned it all from her mother.
We use flowers for decorating our house as well as to worship. We are Hindus and the Hindus need flowers to worship their gods. We have a small patch of land where we grow different varieties of flowers. Some of the common flowers in our garden are rose, marigold, hibiscus etc. We also use flowers for various home remedies.
Most flower shops will give you a full guide and explanation for no charge of the flower you purchase if you ask. I think that's part of their job such as a pet shop owner having the responsibility to explain proper care of what they purchase so you don't have to worry much about not knowing. Free lessons and money savings on flowers. Visit a flower shop and you'll see how helpful they are.
We have a Home Depot locally where you can get seeders of flowers any time and they got sales. I bought heavenly bamboo seeds from amazon.com which I just started with planting them yesterday. I hope it grows. Wouldn't you know it our landlord's maintenance told me about apt. lanai's are not good to have plants because the watering weakens the cement over time. We live on the first floor and I got aloe, broad leaf plantain, a bonsai rubber tree from my Uncle, ferns for new year's celebration and my newly planted heavenly bamboo. I got a red ti leaf plant for warding off evil and good luck too. We're waiting to see what will happen now about our plants in my little apt. backyard for the landlord's maintenance man took some pictures of plants on lanai. We have someone throwing sunflower seeds all over the property that the maintenance man was checking and when I let him in to see our backyard where the sunflower husk was he noticed the plants growing and took pictures. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for I need my broad leaf plantain to make teas with and aloe that I eat for better health, hoping we can keep our plants. I let it be known that I use recycled water for my plants too. I catch fresh water from my sink in a big plastic cup or when we wash rice water for my plants. I'm hoping now.
@Alexandoy You can find a lot of information suddenly or when needed about growing the flowers of your choice. I got to research a bit about heavenly bamboo too. If I run into problems I'll surf for more information. So not to worry about information you'll get lots when you surf the web.
@Krissttina Isobe Thanks for the suggestion. I am now in the process of finalizing my plan of planting flowering plants. However, based on my conversation with my wife last new year’s eve, the flowers she buys are imported flowers that’s why it is expensive. This gave me another think. I know she will shift to the local flowers but I have to find the right substitute for those imported cut flowers.
@Alexandoy You know what...I think it's a good idea to ask your wife what kind of flowers she'd like to have in the garden. Why? Your wife may have a reason for certain flowers she buys. Many people have favorite flowers for reasons only they know. Sometimes we like to grow what we like, but people who give flowers are sensitive people too so I think it's best to work with your wife about planting the flowers, so it'll be a family thing too, wonderful.
I always like to grow flowers in our terrace garden. Though it takes a lot of effort, but that is worth when you see them to bloom. Orchids and some seasonal flowers are easy to grow. However, there're some variety which need proper sunlight, balanced temperature and selective manures. I avoid growing those which takes a lot of effort.
If I really had things set up to be the way I want it, I would have an unlimited amount of flowers that I could just pluck and give whenever the need came. Could you imagine never having to buy another gift again?
@Alexandoy Since you like the edible kind of plants you could have more of a kitchen garden,and usually it has flowers and herbs planted with the vegetables,and together they enhance the gardens beauty quite a bit as well. Also these gardens have a carefree nature and are called cottage gardens.
This decision could probably rely on the amount of space that is available because I believe that in this case, you may need to have a considerable variety so you would not be presenting the same type continuously. However, if you have space, then I see no problem in you indulging in the growing of flowers which would also add to the beautify of your surroundings. I know that you could gain useful tip on the growing and the tending to flowers from the internet.
I think it is a good idea to plant the flowers in your garden, so you can really cut the cost of buying them frequently. I Though I do not really use flowers for decoration or worship, whenever we go to the park, the kids will pick up the flowers from the ground and put in our house, either for just the aroma of the flowers or for the kids to play with. We do this to the only flowers we plant in our garden too. I always think of planting more flowers, so the kids can have more flowers to play with and decorate in the home. Moreover, I think it's nice to make mandala from flowers and leaves. I have seen my mom uses a type of white flower buds on the altar, I don't know the name of the flowers, but they smell really good and usually sold by Indians. I am thinking of planting those flowers as I have seen them in the neighborhood.
You can take help of someone to do that. Yes by that way you can save lots of money for sure. If she is spending almost 10$ for it then better you use your garden for planting them so that you can save money. They will look quite good too in your garden. Later on you can sell them too if you are having more.
My dad loves to plant flowers and edible plants, he even loves taking photos of his plants, especially the flowers. I think that you can easily learn how to plant such plants by looking up instructional videos on Youtube. In this day and age, everything can be learned online.