Well I got some great ideas on puting together a garden this year. Now we are going to get flowers soon. what flowers will you be planting this year? Where is the most economical place you go to for the flowers?
This year I will be planting mostly vegetables and herbs in my garden. I'm not a major fan of flowers, but I do enjoy the taste of freshly picked vegetables and herbs when cooking.
I love planting it all flowers, vegetables, herbs you name it if it can be planted. But my main thing this year I think is going to be things like, tomatoes, serrano and jalepeno peppers, bell pepper,squash,cactus and cilantro just to name a few. Of course I will also have my flowers too. I love the smell of fresh cut flowers, so uplifting. I can't wait to get started. If this weather will ever decide to stay springlike and not winterlike.