I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but leading up to the release of Battlefield 1, DICE is giving away all of the DLC for Battlefield 4 and Hardline in limited windows. Currently, the Getaway DLC for Hardline is the free DLC. The last free DLC was Final Stand for Battlefield 4, and Dragon's Teeth before that. After Getaway, I'm guessing another BF4 DLC will be released, and this schedule will just continue until the fall. I picked up Final Stand when it was free, but missed out on Dragon's Teeth, so I'm just letting everybody out there know of this so they don't miss out on this opportunity.
Thanks, I was not aware of that. I'll tell my friends to download this content then. They are Hardcore Battlefield fans and this opportunity is quite awesome for them. EA often release good getaways, I downloaded Dragon Age Origins whe It was free as promotional content for Dragon Age Inquisition.
I'm not exactly so crazy about games but i do have some friends who are really hardcore gamers and I'm sure they will appreciate this. Thank you for sharing.