Eventhough Microsoft already released Windows 8, I know a lot of people are still using Windows XP. I currently use Windows Vista, but I found out that Microsoft is giving away free Windows XP cd's, and it's available worldwide. You only have to pay for the shipping. Here's the link if you're interested:Log In
Microsoft will only be supporting XP for one more year. By that I mean security updates and patches. I suppose it can be worth getting for some people. I happen to be a big fan of Windows XP. I still use it and I'm not really looking forward to upgrading next year when it's no longer supported.
Well I'm not a fan of updating my OS nowadays, ever since I downloaded that Windows Vista update that changed my entire theme and buttons to the look of Windows 98 Classic. I could not reinstate the original theme of my desktop after that. So what I did was I uninstalled that update, and my themes and buttons returned to normal. Anyway, if only Microsoft would accept Paypal, then I would avail of the free cd, the ones that they are giving out are the service pack 3, so it would be a great update to the one that I used which is service pack 2.