If you are short of money this holidays season and you want to give an ebook, audio book, try The Gutenberg Project, which is now also offering free Kindle ebooks. Check them out,Log In Remember that The Gutenberg Project has a large collection of digital books in English and other languages your can choose from.
I like Gutenberg and I've used it often to obtain free books in the past. There's another site I know of but I'm not sure if they follow the same criteria as Gutenberg Project [posting only books whose copyrights have expired]. IsLog In a legit free book site?
I love the Gutenberg Project. I've downloaded books from them several times in the past. They have a huge selection of books -- over 36,000. And the best part: they are free! I haven't been to their site in months. I need to go check them out again and see if they uploaded any new books. If any of you are interested in simple or minimal living, they have a great book called The Simple Life by Charles Wagner. It's an old book, published in the early 1900s, but it has some great philosophical points.
Sounds good if you get to see things from it i mean in surely a sensible and decent way learning from the right place which works most of the times for us is a way of growing as a matter of fact books are more like a polished way of doing better.
Thank you for sharing- good idea! I had completely forgotten about the Gutenberg project and I tend to read a lot on a computer. I'll check them out.
...I'm pretty sure you worded that kind of poorly. Maybe it's just me? Sorry, but I just can't understand what you're really saying.
I've been reading about getting free books online. Life is easier with access to online books. I've checked out the link and thought, what a resourceful project this Project Gutenberg is. Your link is the first link to free Kindle books that I have ever encountered. Now all I need is a free Kindle or a Kindle reader app, because I have neither of them.