[UK Only] Free The First World War Experienced booklet

Discussion in Freebies and Giveaways started by madison • Sep 8, 2014.

  1. madison

    madisonActive Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Another remarkable offering from the Open University!

    get your Free The First World War Experienced Booklet!
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    We're already a century away from those bleak moments in history
    You must be thinking that because it happened generations ago, it's no longer significant in the making of our history.
    But contemporary times arose from the ashes of the past.
    The First World War Experienced gives us the background of that past war.
    It shows us how the people then (soldiers or civilians) were direly affected by the war.
    It gives us a picture of our past us we live our present, and try to imagine our future.
    It gives us the context of those November poppies (Poppies of Flanders)

    don't be stranger to your identity!
    get your free booklet now!