Yes, there are ways to circumvent the blocked websites. But I work online, and if I use those IP masking browser extensions to access the banned websites, I might forget, do some online work, and then get banned because they think that I have more than one account with them. Even though I can access PB, I can't download anything with them, which makes it useless to me. Either way, there are always ways around the restrictions that the government put into place. I suspect that people are already coming up with ways to stop Windows 10 from deleting their pirated downloads
Oh absolutely.. what they don't seem to get, is the more dictatory they get, the smarter WE get. I'm not even sure how we haven't taken our countries back by now lol. I'm completely in the dark about these things.. I should really try to find some time to read up on all the downloading law thingies..
They threaten with the possibility that if they find out that your IP address has visited these blocked websites, that you could be brought up upon charges. I have visited several of them many times - only if to discover that they had been blocked that initial time -and never had any charges come up against me. But whatever. It's like that battle between hackers and those who are at the head of anti virus. Hackers come up with new ways to infiltrate systems, and the anti virus people have to patch it up. And so on. It's like an on-going dance.
What I like about reading these comments about privacy concerns with Windows 10 is that Microsoft has already added the same data-mining and tracking programs into Windows 7 and 8/8.1 through the latest system updates. So anyone complaining about Windows 10 probably has those updates installed in Windows 7/8 already, especially if they have automatic updates installed. Most of the fears are unwarranted, and so much misinformation on W10 has been released. Yet it's funny that I'm sure none of you knew about Windows 7 and 8 receiving the same data mining and tracking updates that were put into Windows 10. :3 You can uninstall them, though.
All I have heard about is the Windows 10 thing. I have heard nothing about windows 7 or 8. I recently has to uninstall Microsoft something or another essentials? It was slowing down my entire system and blocking microsoft updates, which is crazy considering they are both owned by microsoft. Why would they block their own updates? Weird. Do you know what these updates are called so that I can be wary of them?
I expect the worst from anything "essential" on my computer lol. So I may not have known about these updates, but I already believe everything is invasive. I do what I can.. which isn't much :/
I agree. Big Brother is always watching. I know that. But it is the degrees of boldness that I have a problem with at times lol. Like I mentioned above, I feel like they need to take us more seriously, and at least act like we are a threat to them. But collectively, we are so docile. They know we aren't going to do a God damn thing :/
Isn't that the truth. I'm sitting here watching other countries at least try to rise and here we are, the nations of armchair activists. Well played gov, well played. Buncha zombies. Smarter zombies.. but still zombies lol.
Britain can be and is just as bad as the US, I feel. Our countries are very closely linked though, when you look into their pasts. The new world order headquarters is actually situated in the UK. Not America. What's the point in being a smarter zombie if you're still a freaking zombie lol??
Exactly my point lol. All this knowledge and want for freedom (freeER doesn't cut it) and everyone just sits and bitches on screen where it doesn't do a damned thing. I see all these amazing ideas and thoughts on the daily and not one thing is done. I'm doing the same thing.. what am I going to do all by myself? But anything can start with one person.. We could do far more than those who have stood recently, and yet here we sit....
The only bitching that people are doing, on screen or off, is at people like you and I who have eyes to see. They'd rather live in their fantasy that the government is actually on their side and cares about them, when it is plain to see that nothing could be further from the truth. People will attack you and ask you where your tin hat is, but when it comes to the people in 'power' it's hello your highness. When are you sending us all to the slaughter house?
Yeah, that's a problem too. I see people with their eyes open too though.. fighting with memes instead of their presence and their actual voices. Makes me so sad, because they're the ones who could make a real difference, but instead they waste away, have a false sense of rise.. and take it up the hooha
I think more people are aware to a certain degree than they used to. It's just like with finding a job. I have seen more people complaining about companies posting fake job ads and rejecting applicants for the wrong things but nobody is doing anything about it. I don't really follow politics much. I find a lot of it boring I'll admit that but only as a concept. If a subject is important to me I try and follow it (i.e technology). I also know that if you stand together there's nothing you can't do. I try to tell them if you don't like the laws being sent out stand up but they often complain "oh we can't do anything. we're just little people" You can if there's enough of us fighting. There is strength in numbers. I don't understand. People didn't think this way when slavery was happening. In a less extreme example, people weren't doing this with gay marriage. They fought to legalize it. I've never been asked where my tin hat is but I have gotten brushed off like it's no big deal. They only see half the story. They believe that companies should have freedom to which I agree but not at the expense of others. Freedom is no longer freedom if only some people are getting it. Yeah so it's certainly not traumatic like slavery but that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight for it. I think I veered way off topic here but the issue with Windows 10 is a symptom of our freedom possibly getting taken away.
@Nickchick Politics is a soap opera for the masses. All of the major decisions are already pre-made ahead of time. If voting had any effect on the outcome, they wouldn't let us do it. We aren't just little people. There is more of us. But what hey have done is made us believe that we are the little people with no power, which is more dangerous to us than everything. We may have veered off topic but it all ties in together
Windows 8 was really bad as a lot of people say, and I agree, but it seems like Microsoft have learned from their mistakes.
Very recently, I watch my country stand. All over the place.. city after city.. we stood. And we were ignored. We DON't have the power. As long as they have guns and prison, we don't have any power. And they know it. Our votes don't matter, our voices don't matter (unless nearing election time), it just doesn't matter. How do we take back our rights and freedoms without pushing too hard? Push too hard and they whip out their trusty bullets and bars. It's a sad sad situation. Of course we have it better than others.. but give people a taste of freedom and they'll always want more.. because we deserve that. So give all those with less the freedom we have right now and eventually they'll be right beside us, wanting the rest. Freedom isn't too much to ask for. Or honesty, or trust, or quality or safety. It all makes me ill. As for the actual topic LOL. My son downloaded windows 10 and we almost threw out the computer. We finally figured out how to get it working again and rolled back to 8 (which I personally hate, so I'll be staying away from both and keep lovin' my 7).
Until you liked my previous post, and I re-read it, I did not realize how terrible the typos in it had made me sound lol. Sounds like I have had no educational training hahaha!! as long as people get the gist You are right in that as long as they have the guns and the prisons, we don't have the power. Even more, there are people who are in support of them, unknowing to the fact that they mean nothing to the establishment too, and that they could just as quickly be another body. We all have the illusion of freedom, which most people are satisfied with, and even more people are fooled by. I knew Windows 10 would be more trouble than it was worth. Thanks for the heads up!!!
I didn't notice lol.. but yes, when you're born into "a way", it's how it is and silly to question it, because this is our human experience.. it's just the way it is and everything is a lesser of all the evils instead of realizing we have power in numbers and taking back who and what we are. It's so frustrating. Living up to these standards of what human beings are supposed to be on any given day/month/decade when all we are is evolved animals that each have their own wants and needs we're forced to ignore. Bah.. depressing stuff. We have no choice but to make the best of it until we figure this out. I have no hope for our generations.. the ones here and now. So choosing happy despite the garbage and working the loopholes it is. And you're welcome! I know others like it, but I don't think it's compatible with everything yet and it just caused a whole crap ton of issues on my sons brand new computer. Freaked me out.
I downloaded the free Windows 10 upgrade and immediately sought out how to get Windows 7 back. My grief with the new version is not being able to default my browser to Google Chrome after selecting Cortana. I couldn't access any of my programs easily even though it states that my files 'are where I left them' . "Hmphf, that would be in Windows 7," I thought.
Lol. I still have not updated. They sent the update and a few times have tried to install Windows 10 with all of the other regular updates. It tried to do it automatically too, which I was able to catch and stop before it happened. I can just about cope with Windows 7, to be honest. I don't want to have to learn an entirely new system and I don't want to have to deal with any other issues that change things from the way that they were before.