I recently was faced with a dilemma. I did not know whether to buy a friend fresh roses or go for the artificial ones. The fresh ones have a perfect look and smell sweet. However, they do not last. After a day or two, they wither. On the other hand, the artificial ones are not so good looking but can last as long as the owner wants them to. I went with the former. My friend was delighted and appreciated much, but when visiting the next day she had already thrown them away after withering. I felt bad. What would you go for?
Receiving as a gift I always prefer fresh flowers. I have received flowers throughout life. I love fresh flowers always. The best is to add something like a teddy bear or other things like a coffee cup or something for the occasion that will be kept and remembered long after the fresh flowers are gone. I love fresh flowers for gifts. The scent and feel of fresh flowers is remarkable and remembered forever.
Just plant roses on your backyard so you will have endless supply of fresh roses with no chemicals. Aside from being a great decorative plant, You can use rose petals to make tea and it is also a great flavoring for many desserts. Rose petals are edible so you can add them as salads.
@Gad Fresh ones, of course! If you don't want them to wither, instead of buying fresh flowers, go buy a flowering rose plant and give that to your friend. It will last as long as your friend takes good care of it. If that withers again, well, you know what happened and that's the time when you can definitely feel bad about it. Or go with @Beast_Titan's suggestion because aside from the benefits they mentioned, taking care of plants in general is therapeutic~
Well ideally you would have to say that the fresh ones are better and more personal, and smell better too of course. The price though, that always sticks in my head so I would not even mind some artificial ones.
Although they are more complicated to take care of because they require much more attention, I prefer the fresh roses because they are more beautiful and they have a natural smell (and this is certainly nicer than something artificial ).
I am generous when it comes to gifts because I also like to receive good gifts. But with flowers, I buy the imported fresh tulips. It is worth the cost because the receiver would usually talk about the tulip for a while since it is not really rare but not common due to the price tag. But there are people who love artificial flowers that they use as decoration in the living room. One is the eldest sister of my wife that’s why we give her artificial flowers during her birthday. Incidentally, it was her birthday yesterday.