I have never used baking soda or fridge deodorants. Come to think of it, my fridge has never even stunk! It seems though that baking soda is the way to go: much cheaper, longer lasting. Scotty. What a good idea. I never would have thought about doing that!
Never used one but the best way to eliminate the smell is to clean the fridge! I didn't know about the bakng soda! Some people don't like the smell of fish for example or other food smells so you can use herbs. Someone told me that it works. Some mint leafs or something with strong smell that you like
It lasts quite a long time actually, but best you check on it weekly or so. We use bicarbonate of soda, which is the active ingredient in baking soda - it absorbs all kinds of odors. Even if there is just a bad smell in the kitchen or so...just zaps it, very cool indeed. We add a drop of lemon essence, and keep it in the fridge...rotating monthly or so. I know another person who used to use vanilla essence as well, although my favorite is the bicarbonate of soda.
Thank you very much for your answer Linky! Both lemon and vanilla essences sound very tempting, I think those smells are great, I really like them. I prefer having one of those essences in my fridge rather than using baking soda, but I don't know if they work as well as it. Thanks again
Thanks for your answers everyone. I don't think herbs work in the fridge because they don't smell when they are frozen Fridge deo's (btw Gonzalo it is the pictures you showed me) are not actually used to eliminate the smells, rather than to prevent them and prevent foods catch them. So it definitely doesn't mean that the fridge is filthy. Milk, for example, can catch the smell of everything and this is not a good thing. I will use baking soda, since you need something to absorb smells and not to scent the fridge, so these deo's are not a good idea after all. I ll get back to you fro what happened
I agree with you, you are absolutely right. Milk can get a disgusting smell, that's true. Baking soda is the best choice since it absorbs smells like you said.
No, I do not use them, although they may bot be toxic, because of the purpose. I prefer to use an open box of baking soda, which works very well.
Just buy a box of baking soda, rip off the top, and stick it in the back of the fridge. Everyone couple days, maybe 1 time a week even, just shake the box up so you can get some of the stuff form the bottom to the top. I think one little box will last for like 30 days or so.
I agree that nothing works better than good old fashioned baking soda. It also works in the freezer, and in the car. Well anywhere that you have some odors that need absorbing. Its way cheaper and works better than anything else that I have been able to find.
Never heard of them. I just make sure to clean the fridge out every so often and keep things well packaged, works well for me.
I don't know why, but now that you mention it, my fridge never stinks and I really don't know why. It definitely has food in it. Now my garbage on the other hand...can get to smelling not so good, especially in the summertime. I actually thought my garage smelled like chocolate recently. I kind of liked it. But now I am thinking it might be the garbage because there is NO chocolate in my garage!
baking soda in bulk but how to store in fridge? The only fridge deoderizer that gets my money is baking soda! I but it in the big boxes (found in the laundry aisle) not the cupboard size. But I can't think of a cheap and smart way to be able to buy the big box and still have a way to deoderize the fridge. Suggestions?
are there deoderants for fridges other than baking soda? If so i've never heard of that in Canada. All I know is you stick a box of open baking soda in the fridge at the back and problem solved.
It's wiser to use baking soda. It's cheaper and more natural. You can also try using charcoal, just put it in a mason jar without the lid and put it in a corner of your fridge. It works great too.
I use baking soda in my fridge as well, but I've heard of people using used coffee grounds for the same purpose. This is theoretically cheaper since the coffee grounds are already used... but I've never tried it. Has anyone else tried it?
Baking soda is my deodorant of choice too. It really works well. After a couple of months, I use to deodorize the garbage disposal. I have never used coffee grounds. I'm not a coffee drinkers so it wouldn't be cheaper for me.
I have actually seen these types of things in the store. But to be honest I don't see any reason to buy them. Like others on this forum I find good old fashion baking soda to be just as effective, if not more so. Baking soda also doesn't cost that much to buy, and plus when its time to replace it you can just toss the use box down the drain, which will help eliminate odors in the drain as well.
Like most of you said, baking soda does the work of eliminating the smell in the fridge. We sometimes use charcoal as it removes bad odor too. Take a look of this article for possible things to use to remove unwanted smells in fridge.Log In
Wow! I have never in my life heard of this. This sounds so effective and nothing can beat the cost. When did you first hear about this?, because I never turn to home made products much (unless it is skin care remedies). I will be sharing this with my friends and family soon!