This year I bought my first house! Wooohoo! But it needed a lot of work. Like a lot a lot. I needed to gut the bathroom. Things were old, leaky, gross, etc. So with the help of my Handy Dad, we trashed the room. Then the work started. We bought most of our supplies from Home Depot. The new toilet was under 100$ on sale, the tub was an upgrade at 250$ and then I replaced the Faucet (the sink stayed!). Then I tiled the shower with plain, white bathroom tile accented with a blue mosiac pattern at eye level. The shower head was cheap (but eco and functional) and the tub drain was a hella pain to install but inexpensive. I was pleased with the service at Home Depot. The staff was super friendly and helpful when it came to a little added advice. And the prices were reasonable. I mean I scored on sales and didn't go crazy on the upgrades, but I have an awesome, clean, leak-free bathroom. Anyone else take on a bathroom reno? I'd love to hear the details. I'm thinking about putting in another bathroom in my unfinished basement but that would be a full start from the beginning project.
I haven't taken on a bathroom reno but I'm impressed that you pulled it off for under $500. Good job on doing all that work with your dad and saving so much money on a project that could have cost thousands of dollars.
Sounds like you got some great deals. You'll always save a ton if you have the ability to do it yourself. I'm so thankful my husband is good at stuff like this. We've saved a ton over this years as we also built our own house.
That is awesome that you were able to renovate the entire bathroom for under $500. It would have been so easy to spend a lot more than that on it. I have never attempted to do a major renovation before so you've got my respect. Congrats on a job well done!
Wow! It sounds like you did a great job with saving money. Do you have before and after pictures to share? I hear of people spending thousands on renovations but I suppose if you are smart and savy you can make it work by spending way less money. Kudos to you and congrats on your new home.
Is your bathroom pretty large? I have a tiny bathroom and got it renovated for around $400 and had my uncle do it. I had new floors, new toilet, paint job and new shower doors installed. My sink is super small so I kept the old one. I love going Home Depot and Lowes and buying things on sale to fix up my house! Love it!
I was really lucky that I hit up the right sales at the right time. I was also really lucky that my Dad and I had the will-power and knowledge to figure out how to replace a toilet or to tile a wall. The people at Home Depot were really helpful in that way. I mean, some of them were clearly not pros, but other employees say, had worked as a plumber for years and now worked in the plumbing department at Home Depot. They were full of useful information. It's not a large bathroom at all! But it needed to be gutted. And on top of that, there were some serious pipes leaking in the bathroom. The house had been foreclosed on and then not lived in for a few years, so a lot of things needed to be replaced. I think that's why it cost me a little more, simply in plumbing pieces! But I now have a lovely bathroom that doesn't leak. Whenever I soak in the tub I'm glad the work is done and behind me!
Wow. You were able to locate very good deals. It us wonderful that you are able to do the work yourself, that saves you the labor cost, which could be considerable. My bathroom was recently, but was done by a professional.
I really lucked in! What did you get done in your bathroom? And if you don't mind me asked what did you pay? I really was happy to be able to do it myself but I'm not sure that I would jump to do it again. At least not under the circumstances I did it under. If I'm to reno a bathroom again, I will need to be able to dedicate myself to it fulltime. I was starting a PhD program and renoing at the same time. That's why it took me well over a month to finish tiling the shower stall. I guess that's the key to having a pro do it: it gets done quick.