Must you use money for to "have a good time?" The best things in life are free. Friends for example don't cost us a penny. Since most people tend to spend a lot of cash on weekends, why not visit friends at that time? They'd love to have your company and they live close-by you could just walk or cycle over. It'd cost you $0 but save you a substantial amount of cash. You could then help them out with whatever they are doing, then watch a movie together or just chat as you play a board game.
There are so many things you can do. You can take the lunch you were going to eat at home to the park and spend time outdoors. You can make crafts out of things you have lying around that would otherwise be tossed or recycled. You can work in your garden if you have one or start one up if you don't yet. If you want to spend time with friends, you can suggest doing something like this together instead of what you usually do in order to save money. A good friend will understand the need to save.
This approach sounds great on paper and all, but when it comes to reality, it just doesn't quite cut it for most people that like to go out and spend to have a good time, whether at the movies, the bar, the club or anywhere else. It's difficult being such a saver in these scenarios. I can manage to do it a few times when I'm on my own but nine times out of ten when it comes to socialization, going out seems to be the preferred way to have fun.
I don't like hanging out with people, but I do know something that you can totally do for free yet have tons of fun - GARDENING. It's a very fun and rewarding hobby. My mom got me started into this. I plant vegetables and fruit trees because I am not very lucky with flowering plants. That's my mom's "department".
in the UK most the museums and art galleries are free as the government helps pay for them. You only pay for special exhibitions and donations are always appreciated. There are other things walks in the park and many local authorities hold events in them which are free. I used to live in Salem and there were always band playing or a film being shown on the common. I remember seeing Pavarotti in Hyde Park for free once, so there are events around or free tickets are offered to events.
Plenty of things to do for $0 amount of money, one simply has to use their imagination! I like to read and play my guitar, two things I enjoy that are free of money to do. Hiking, biking, swimming, kiting, sparring, digital photography, making youtube videos, and whatever one wishes to do as a man or a woman. The one who shall do, is only you.
Playing with your pets is also a good way to pass time and enjoy yourself in the process. Having pets is also naturally proven to reduce stress, so you'll be hitting 2 birds in 1 stone if you have 1.
I have lots of hobbies that I do for free. For example, I sometimes play some football at the park and it's a good way for me to get some exercise as well as a bit of sun. I also like playing video games at a friend's house which I know isn't technically free but it is at least free for me. I pay for the snacks sometimes but it isn't very expensive anyway so I don't mind, really.
In the summer and nicer months there are always a lot of free things to do, but winter has come early in the Midwest. Still, there's plenty to do for free. Walking alone or with friends and family. Go see your grandma! I am sure she would love the company. There probably is some work to be done around the house or outside the house, that you have put off. Maybe the leaves need raked? I realize I am not exactly describing fun times, but if you don't have any money and you have time on your hands, why not? For that matter, since you don't have money, go ask people you know (or even strangers) if you can rake up their yard for a little cash?
Fun things to do for $0 are a dime a dozen! You just have to know where to look or whom to call to get your towns local free activities. My family has family game night where we play games until we are sleepy. On nice days, we go cycling and pulling my son in his wagon. Parks, feeding ducks, walking the track with friends are some other ideas. I get the local community free events from our newspaper and plan days around them. My kids and I sure have our socialization skills.
when I read the subject, it says - FUN things you can DO for $0. I assume this means ZERO expense while having fun. This for me is just staying at home and play scrabble with the family. No transportation costs, nothing spent on fancy foods in the restaurant, no extra expenses on that cone of ice cream, nothing. As for your food at home, you can check left-over foods and recycle it to become a healthy snacks. You can make home-made pizza bread or popcorn and that's it.
I don't know about $0, but something my family has invested in recently is tabletop games, and free online games. The tabletop games obviously require the initial purchase, which can sometimes be around $50 depending on the game. But once you buy it, you have unlimited number of good times with family and friends, so I would say that after that, your fun is $0. We also have a Steam account, where we can download free games to play online with family and friends who are out of state, and we don't get to see them very often. It is a lot more fun than just talking on the phone, so it is a great way to stay connected.
I enjoy music, and own a fair number of musical instruments that I have taught myself to play. I'm not saying that I particularly excel at any of them, but I can hold a tune on several, so trying to learn new music is a hobby of mine. Of course the instruments cost money but I already had those, so I don't need to worry about paying for them again. I also like to go for walks - something that is free in the majority of places, yet there are so many people who don't bother going! They really should learn to appreciate the place that they live more.
I agree with this, and if you want it to be totally free, you can ask neighbors for cuttings and start plants from the cuttings instead of buying plants. You can also plant the root parts of onions and other vegetables you buy at the supermarket. I had a ginger plant that lasted for years, which I started from a chunk of supermarket ginger.
I have not done it this year; but one of my favorite things to do is going fishing. When the kids were growing up, we used to pack a picnic lunch, take the kids and spend the day out fishing and picnicking. when we caught some fish, sometimes we made a small campfire and cookd the fish right there at the river, and ate those, too. It is true that this is not totally free, because you do have to have a fishing pole and license; but once you have that, then you can fish all year long and have fun.