I am not big on gadgets to be honest. I do not even own a mobile (cell) phone. The one household gadget I could not do without is the Internet. I work from home and need it for work. I also do online banking, shopping and keep in touch with the outside world. I don't watch TV that much and hardly ever use a microwave. What is the one thing you could not do without and why?
Do you have a digicam at least? Because I don't have a digicam, but I have a cellphone. So at least I can take pictures when I feel like it. For me the 1 gadget I could not do without would be a cellphone and a pc, since they can greatly entertain us when we're bored.
I would have to second you on the internet. I don't think the world in general could function without it anymore. You can do everything on it (shop, play games, make money, research etc.).
Honestly, as long as I have access to the internet, I'd probably be fine. I like my iPhone, and use it a fair amount, but I could live without it. I also like to play video games, but I could live without them. As long as I have a laptop or desktop, I'd be fine. I could live with just my iPhone, but I wouldn't be happy with that.
Truthfully, sometimes you get into situations in which you don't have a choice and then you can really find out what you can or cannot do without. Having said that, I probably have become rather dependent on the internet. Not so much to the point where I cannot continue with my daily life, but because it's become a part of how I entertain myself on a daily basis. I miss various websites and that's what the biggest problem would be.
I couldn't do without my desktop or laptop. I work at home full-time, so without my computer I wouldn't make a living. I can say goodbye to my smartphone right now and have no problems with it at all. But I can never part ways with my computer. If I'd have to choose between my desktop and laptop, I'd pick my desktop. I rarely work outside so the portability of my laptop doesn't matter much.
People, you cannot seriously consider the internet as a gadget right? If you're going to take a look at the definition of a gadget, you'll see this: "a small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty." Soooo, maybe the internet cannot be considered as a device but a service that you use. The device/gadget that allows you to use the internet could either be your desktop or laptop or tablet or smartphone. You're right when you consider it as technology though... Welp, don't mind me here. So, what gadget can I not live without? My smartphone and my laptop because I use them for a multitude of purposes mainly for communication and surfing the web and preparing reports and playing games and watching movies and shows and stuff.
I don't really need any of these consumer electronics. I've gone without a smartphone for months at a time, and I don't necessarily need my laptop or desktop in order to work - I could just find a non-technology based job. The fact of the matter is that I believe people are too attached to their gadgets. I have no problem using them, but I could just as easily not use them or pay attention to them. It's as simple as that.
I can live without other things, but my smartphone never gets away from me for a moment. I can't live without it even for a moment. Besides my smartphone, I need my PC with me everyday for gaming. I am not a gaming addict, but I love to play games for some time everyday. These are the only two gadgets I can't live without.
Unfortunately a sat nav. I never needed to use one before this month, and was always content with maps, but now with a multi-drop driving job with strict deadlines there is no time for planning a route with a map. Which is a shame as I don't like sat nav.
I am not too obsessive about gadgets either but even I have a complete set because they provide convenience. If I had to choose though, I'd say my most important one is my laptop because I work there and I think it's the most complete tool that does things that phones and tablets can't do. The only drawback is it's not as portable, obviously.
I love my iPad. it has replaced my computer, the radio, the television, and even the cell phone for the most part. I know that you can even answer the phone with the iPad now, but I have never tried doing that yet. It is just a little strange to me to answer a phone that is not even a phone. I like the cell phone, too, and it is handy when you have a situation and need to get ahold of someone; but most of the time, I don't miss the phone. I can even visit with my family, and SEE them with the ipad, so you could almost say it replaces actually being there, too. It is not the same as actually being ableto give my kids a real hug, but since we live on the opposite ends of the country, it is the closest possible thing at present.
The portable charger for me, I can't imagine not having my phone/laptop powered up on the go. And without any external power source they wouldn't last a day.
I can't go without my digital SLR and my laptop, as I need them for work. I work as a part-time language teacher and depend a lot on the internet to prepare my classes. I admit, I also can't be without my smartphone at this stage in my life, as I am a bit of an entrepreneur and have to be reachable at all times. I hope that I will soon have more freedom again, where I can put all my gadgets aside for a while and enjoy the view.
I literally won't be able to do without my laptop and of course, internet connection. I work online and having to be off the internet means no work for me, that's why it's very important. I don't need any fancy brands of some sort, just anything that would serve its purpose fully. I'm currently using an old Toshiba laptop and even though it looks too worn out, at least, it's functioning at it's best.
It's probably my laptop and internet. Mobile phones I have no care for, not unless I'm going out somewhere. I can live without the internet and my laptop really but it's the basic tool for my trade, I can't do my job without a laptop so if it went missing I would die of starvation and possibly be homeless within a few months.
I can never live without my phone as it is the part and parcel of my life. I hope that day would never come when I had to live without my phone. I totally enjoy using my phone in every sense. The best day was when I received the phone .
The internet should be everyone's choice of something that can't live without. I mean look at us on a forum right now that is hosted online as proof. Almost everything we do is associated with the internet and you can't escape it. Before you know it you won't be able to get a bottle of water without Googling how to open the cap properly.
I can't do without my smartphone, laptop and internet. As technology has evolved and amazed us with what it can do and how it can make matters 10 times more convenient and rewarding, it's imperative that I have my phone and laptop working. My smartphone is like my closest friend and it's always with me wherever I go, allowing me to do almost everything when near or away from my computer. My laptop is an essential too because I use it everyday to make money, to participate in social networking and to entertain myself. And as for the internet, that makes both devices capable of reaching the world out there on it, so it's indispensable.