Wow, I decided to download the FieldAgent app on my Android phone and I am so glad I did. I don't go out much so I didn't think much about it when I went out a couple of weeks ago and did a small gig at Sam's Club which netted me 3 bucks. Then I went shopping a couple of days ago and I got 29 bucks! I did another gig at Sam's Club and one at Family Dollar. I also went into 7-Eleven and looked for 3 separate items. The one at Sam's Club was only 3 bucks, but the ones at 7-Eleven and Family Dollar were $6.50 for each item. I specifically chose the 7-Eleven jobs because I knew the store would be so small I wouldn't have to wander around for 10 minutes looking for certain products. I was right. It only took me about 5 minutes if that, to discover the store did not carry the products that FieldAgent wanted me to look for. They paid me anyway for it. I have to go out shopping again this Tuesday and Wednesday at another town and I am for sure going to check FieldAgent to see if they have any gigs. I don't know if they have an app at the iTunes store, but definitely Google Play Store. Basically you look for an item, take a photo, make a few notes, upload the information and you're done. Hope this helps someone!
This sounds like the perfect job for me. I have to try this. I'm constantly going into stores to just get a feel for what's in them and so I can memorize any supplies I need later on. So all I have to do is download the app, and go for it?
I love mystery shopping, but only pick up higher paying jobs. You should check out to find hundreds of available shops from mspa certified companies. The only time I do 3 or 4 dollar shops is when they are phone calls I can do from home. The jobs on Jobslinger pay anywhere from $10 up to $125 depending on how detailed the shop is. If you are new to shopping you should check it out.
Mystery shopping certainly is a great way to make some extra cash fast. I haven't tried it though because the town I live in . . . all we have here are Ma and Pa shops. So even if I was interested in mystery shopping, I wouldn't make any money from it.
Thank you both for the info on field app and jobslinger. I might give them a look, even though I probably won't get much work from either, since I live kind of in the boonies. It would be nice to be able to pick up at least a few shops though. I can always use the money. It certainly sounds simple and even fun to do. Does jobslinger require an app as well? I'm not a fan of apps, but it might be worth it if I can make some cash.
I haven't used Field Agent, but I have a few other apps on my phone (including Mobee, use 69Z9 for a bonus on signup) and a few companies I've been with that I must go online to register for jobs. Over the years I've done some fun secret shops and some not-so-fun ones, that ended up not being worth the payment or the freebie, or whatever. That said, I'm now finding a couple things that are on my weekly commute anyway, which usually makes it worth my time.
Basically, yeah. I found it on the Android store. It is free. I was thinking today it might be worth checking out some of the other apps from the same category (mystery shopping) that they list under "Other people were also interested in".... If one app didn't have any jobs when you were out shopping, perhaps one of the other apps would.
Yes, the only downfall would be is if someone lived in the middle of nowhere. It would not be worth it to spend 20 bucks in gas to get to a store in order to make $19.50. I won't be able to use the app as much as someone else might. I only go to a town with decent stores about once a week; sometimes even less. Nevertheless, anything that would help pay for the gas I have to spend when I do shop, is worth it to me.
Jobslinger does not have an app. It is a website and job hub. Several companies post available jobs on the site, so you need to sign up for each individual company once you find the jobs you want to do. Good luck on your job hunt! And @Denis Hard the money is not caste. Once the job is completed, rated and submitted only then do you get compensated and it can take several weeks to get paid.
I've always been interested in mystery shopping, but Alas! I'm too far out of range I really wish I could do it. Thanks for the heads up, though. Sadly, we don't have such jobs locally.
I used to do mystery shopping and it's fun at first, but when you get challenged on a bad report it sometimes isn't worth it as you have to go over everything you did and they even look at CCTV footage and you think is this worth it? I mean you end up having to take calls to verify things and for the few bucks it sometimes isn't worth it.
This is an interesting point, actually. And I agree. I've never had my actions questioned or verified through CCTV footage, but at the beginning I did have several critical comments about how to write up reports without using ANY emotional language. It was hard. But once I got the hang of it, I actually appreciated the feedback. That was years ago, and now it is very rare that my audits are questioned. (When they are, I sort of panic and get self-conscious.) But you are totally right. When you consider how many minutes you put into to doing the job and writing the report and then getting criticized for it, it makes the payment much less worth it. Haha.
I would love to do mystery shopping, and I will be checking out Jobslinger. I remember seeking info on some other site before, so I just went to look at that. The first email they sent told me all I need to know. They are full of beans. They claim that I missed out some jobs that were recently filled *in my town* yet the things they talked about aren't even available here, like spending a day at the spa, for just one example. That would be pretty hard to pull off, since it's a tiny town and there is no spa. So, I won't bother with them. I'll try Jobslinger due to the recommendations here, but I get so tired of all the scam companies.
I haI've been questioned once and unpaid over a recorded phone call that took 3 minutes and only paid $4. Thankfully it wasn't a bunch of questioning or time consuming. I rushed the shop without reading the instructions because of time issues I was having that day, so I kind of expected it. I didn't really sweat it because it was such a small job. I try to stay away from small jobs anyway.
Well, I've not actually done any mystery shopping; I just thought it might be something worth pursuing if the opportunity were to present itself. But your words are a real eye-opener! I don't like the sound of it at all. It seems like a lot for a few $, because I don't think it pays all that well. Again, I don't know what the rates are, but I can't imagine it's a lot. Having to do the mystery shopping itself, writing a report that's likely to be questioned and then the perusing of CCTV footage would make me feel like I was under investigation, to be honest.
The negative side is that you have to be honest and many places have multiple visits and if your report is so different then it will get queried. The temptation is to give everyone a good report for an easy life and what I do is be generous with the marking unless it was so bad. The reason why you get challenged is that many staff get bonuses on good mystery visits and that goes for managers and the whole team. So a bad report can cost them a lot as some wages are built up on commissions and targets.
Yeah, some of this does give me pause. I wouldn't like the feeling of being under investigation. Those particular jobs might not be worth the hassle. I don't think you could really make a living with mystery shopping anyway, but the good jobs sound like a great way to make a few extra bucks or to save money by being able to try goods or services free (well, they're free once you get reimbursed).
I did look into mystery shopping, but sadly it's barely available where I live, and there are no offers for my city. Oh well.
There's also the small matter of having to pay for stuff upfront! I don't really like that aspect of it, to be honest. The more I learn about mystery shopping, the more I feel it's just not for me
Yeah, Lushlala, that's something I was thinking about yesterday, after I went to check out the jobslinger site. It seems as if these jobs are via other companies that you have to sign up with before you can shop. I wonder if Jobslinger guarantees that the ones they list are not scams. I'd be upset if I spent money to buy something for one of these jobs and then found out it was a scam. There are some that you don't have to spend anything on, so I will probably give a couple of those a try first.