Getting tired of Facebook

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by SavvyGirl2014 • Jun 6, 2014.

  1. spacetimecontinuum


    Sep 28, 2014
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    Ahh yes, you're 100% correct, I got that quote wrong, has been so long since I used it.

    Yeah one has to find that balance between braggadocio and humility. It's great to have confidence, or to have experienced some good fortune, either by hard work or luck, but most people can't stomach getting that rammed down their throat incessantly, it has to be tempered with, I may be this, that or other, or I have this, that or the other and I'm really fortunate, but not everything in my life is great or perfect.

    Tis all about balance, innit? ;)
  2. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yeah, there is nothing more inspiring than other human beings to me. We really do show one another the way. Not always. But a lot of the time we do. If we see someone else doing something positive, then, we often know or think that we can do it or be that way about ourselves or the world too. But to have people constantly saying, 'I am better or more successful than you,' through boastful pictures is annoying. The friend who posts these fake humility pictures DOES think that she is better than other people because she went to university and whatnot, and her boyfriend works for the NHS, and they live together now and whatnot. She has a politics degree. She even had a post where she named them a power couple. So I think that she is aware of her belief that she is better than other people, and tries to tone down her boastfulness with these fake humility posts.
  3. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Meh if I see someone doing something positive, I tend to think they are more lucky than I am or in some way they are better than me. It's not that I compare myself on a general basis. It's that the results of my trying to succeed has fallen through.
    So I do think it's stupid if people are posting things like that.
  4. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985Active Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I do think Facebook will need to constantly change in order to survive in today's fast paced tech world. Companies always have to adapt in order to survive, but I think that's particularly true of social media companies. People are going to get tired of using the site eventually, so it's up to Facebook to come up with innovative new ideas that will freshen up the experience for users. It's going to be a big task for them.

    ACSAPAWell-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    It's true. Facebook friends are not real friends. One time I was short $40 to pay my light bill and I was in a bind so I started a little fundraising drive.
    None of the people who chipped in the $40 were my so called Facebook friends. My own biological brother just pressed "like" and my college roommate posted a picture of the $1,200 Louboutin shoes that she recently bought. Facebook friends are not real friends. Real friends will loan you $5 or drive you to the bus stop.
    Real friends do not press "Like" when you're having a crisis.
  6. spacetimecontinuum


    Sep 28, 2014
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    Gosh I would be so embarrassed to post a purchase of a $1200 pair of shoes, my skin is crawling just thinking about it. But there are people whose vapid social circle demand this kind of vulgar display. Man it's like the third circle of hell out there on facecrack!!!
  7. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Well, I suppose that your way would be considered the negative way to look at it?? Envy maybe??? I am not envious. Why shouldn't people post the happy moments in their lives just because people are going to be envious? In fact, some of these people want that - for people to be envious of them. So they will post these things. Most of the time, I am happy for these people, when it i genuine. It is a wonderful feeling. I have NO problem whatsoever if it is genuine success. But when it is just to convey the message of 'I THINK i am better than you,' then I am not here for it. There is just no need. Well, there is - these people are not truly fulfilled and so they feel as though they must get everyone else, as well as themselves, to believe that they are better than everyone else. It is always so transparent and annoying.

    Just be honest and post, 'looks at my new twenty-four inch TV. I love it.' or 'Look how pretty I am today.'
  8. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    It's not that they can't. It's just one of the reasons I don't like Facebook or other social networks that are like that. One reason I don't "fit in" (well I don't fit in anywhere but I really don't fit in with places like Facebook or Twitter) is because my life is too pathetic. I don't like reading about how people are doing so well on sites like that because it reminds me how behind I am. It's like the universe or fate is mocking me if I go on Facebook or Twitter and see these things.
    #48Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  9. calebmelvern

    calebmelvernActive Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I deleted my Facebook account around April this year. Not just deactivated, I mean deleted. Wiped off the face of the web. And I tell you guys it is one of the best decisions I have done. I no longer waste time endlessly scrolling through the news feed only to see people and their selfies every minute. I also found that after deleting my FB, I communicate with my friends way more. Unlike before wherein you exchange a few chats over FB, sometimes just getting "seen" as a reply.
  10. jackslivi


    Oct 15, 2014
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    I could not agree with you more. I deleted my Facebook for 3 months and it showed who my true friends were. It is hard to just stop looking to see what everyone is doing though. I am a stay at home mom, so it was hard for me to not have it since the only people I socialize with is my son and fiancé. If you do delete hour Facebook that is exactly what will happen. People will freak out because they won't know your every move anymore. And honestly, if you have a lot of drama on Facebook, you will find no drama in your life. It is nice. It is just hard to be away from Facebook when you have relatives far away.
  11. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    LOL! I don't really fit in anywhere either. I can blend in with almost any type of social group, and be the life and soul. Then I have people calling me asking me to come out with them and whatnot, but I never take them up on it, because on a deeper level there is a massive sense of, 'I am not like these people, and I don't fit in.' I don't think that your life is too pathetic. We all live in different ways. Who is to say that one life is more pathetic than any other? :) Many of the people in Africa are happy with the simplicity of their lives. It s only when people who have luxury go in and tell them that they are not happy that they begin to question their lives, if that makes any sense. But I understand what you are saying, and it doesn't help that people on your friends list will deliberately try to make other feel like you are behind in order to boost themselves either.
  12. ACSAPA

    ACSAPAWell-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    People never post anything bad on the internet, so it's easy to sometimes get a false impression of how good things are going for them.
    My ex's Facebook page shows his new wife's engagement ring, and their wedding photo, so based on that they look like they're doing okay.
    But I actually know my ex and see him around, since we have a kid. His wife has a ton of health problems and just sits in the dark all day taking various pills, and my ex had to sell his car to pay their bills, and he's broke and can't afford child support.

    Although I am annoyed by some of the bragging photos I see on people's status updates, who knows how crappy their real lives are.
  13. TuRon Davis

    TuRon DavisActive Member

    Aug 10, 2014
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    It really varies from person to person. For me, I only use social media to promote good positive messages and network with people with music. Other than that, I tend to find other thing to occupy my mind. I can imagine for many that Facebook along with all of the other media out there can really become a burnout and get a bit boring. The younger generation with all of the narcissistic behavior never gets boring for them. One of the dangers of social media is spending too much time on there. Some people have literally given their lives to Facebook etc. to the point they can't stay focused on more important priorities. The best thing about Facebook to me is being able to connect with folks I never thought I'd see again.
  14. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Yeah I get that people in Africa are happy but it's just about me being pathetic. Me and me only. I try to get a job for a better income and I'm always rejected. Also when I try to take back what is mine I never succeed in that either. Like just recently PayPal proved to me that I am nothing (yes I know PayPal sucks but that's beside the point). I'm just tired of trying so hard and people always screwing me over.
    If I could go back to when I was biologically younger then I would be okay.
  15. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    When I would post things on Facebook, I would post both the good and the bad. I got the sense that people were getting frustrated with me for being 'negative,' even though I would also post about the positive. I'm a real person, and therefore I would post about the good and the bad. But with how false people are, few seemed to grasp that or want to. It is all very false. A VERY small percentage of my friends did the same. But you are right; the majority only post the good things.

    And the last sentence of your post is why I am NEVER envious of anyone else, ESPECIALLY Facebook friends. I'm wise enough to know that light comes with shadows, and that a photographer can create any sort of light that they want to, and call it a picture, when that picture isn't the whole truth. But many people are somehow fooled by it.

    Nickchick, it is true that posts on Facebook are never really the whole picture. FAR from it. I know it is easy to feel envious, or to disregard your own life. But you literally NEVER know what is going on behind closed doors.

    Had this friend who was all about university. She prattled on and tried to make me feel bad for not going to university, until she realized that I didn't give enough fucks about what she had to say for it to make a dent and finally shut up lol. Oh, and one time she asked me if not having a job messes with my self-respect. What a brainwashed nitwit. Lol. But she grew up in a poor household so I am sure that her mother always told her to do well, because she didn't. But now this friend - after undergoing a university course that she's no longer sure she wants to do - cannot get a job, and is broke from all of her uni debts. She has to lie to all of her rich friends living in London because she wants to stay in with the in crowd. If people were only to know her on FB, they would be fooled by her glitzy pictures and statuses. But I know the truth about her life, and I am sure that there are a few other s that know too. I am SOOO glad that I follow my own mind. What I do works for me; I couldn't care less about what anyone else has to say. I say everyone should feel that way. I hope you reach a point where you can find that personal financial stability within yourself, so that even if it is nothing special to others, it feels great to you ;)
  16. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I just don't know how it's ever going to happen. I'm now talking to a career counselor but they can't make employers like you. They can only show you where to go. It's true that you don't know what's going on behind closed doors but one thing I can say for an absolute fact is I've gone through way more things than the average person. If I could find a way to use that to my advantage I would but not coming up with anything right now.
    The stupidest things about social networks is people expect you to put yourself out there. This whole concept of being the center of attention makes me so bitter. It may not be Facebook but you have to be social in some form. What if I don't like the attention? Why isn't it enough to have the skills anymore? Why do you have to know somebody to get a job? How is a loner supposed to get a job seriously?
    Facebook and the like is just a symbol of how life is all about being popular to me. It didn't used to be that way but now it is.
  17. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    As the world's BIGGEST loner - I still manage to be able to fit in, as I said earlier? I have charisma. Whenever i tell people that I am a loner, they are always shocked. I guess I am a good actress when I need to be. This ability has gotten me through more than a few job interviews, where the people were certain that hey wanted me to work for them. You have to believe in yourself, as corny as it sounds. I don't want a normal job though, because it demand too much time. Time that I cannot spend alone. So I quit all of those jobs the moment shortly after I got them. You can do the same. If you believe in yourself, other people have no other choice but to believe in you as well. Your energy will be infectious. This method worked for me.

    As far as the attention thing, if I have felt particularly sensitive then I have used FB to post vulnerable things about myself. I have done so as a way to push my comfort zones instead of being fearful of how raw and or sensitive I felt. Even if no one commented or liked what I had to say; I knew that people had seen what I had posted. That was enough for me. Of course being a loner means that you are not the most popular person, and on facebook the more popular you are, the less effort you will have to put into your statuses in order to amass buckets of likes and comments. It is a popularity contest. But I didn't use the site for that. I created my own rules and did what I had to do. Now the account is deactivated. But at the time, I got what I wanted out of the website.

    I am rambling, but my point is that the site can be about what you want it to be. I know I am not overly popular because I don't go out each week with people my age and get drunk. I don't like the same music as most other people my age, and I just overall think differently. But I used the site to combat some of my insecurities and fears.
    #57Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  18. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985Active Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I really wish people would quit posting selfies on facebook! To me that's the most annoying trend in society, other than people using their cell phones at the dinner table. It's just extremely goofy and rude in my opinion. To me, it's a sign of how narcessistic and self absorbed our society is becoming. Facebook has become pretty stale here lately. I hope they trot out some new features soon because I'm becoming more and more bored by the site with each passing day.
  19. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I will like selfies of friends who look particularly good. They usually post a whole host of pictures that were taken in one selfies session. And I will like the one or two pictures that really compliment their body or features. Sometimes I wasn't in the mood to fluff and pander to a friend's ego and or insecurities and did not comment or like any of their pictures at all. But someone else always would, so it isn't that big of a deal. Even when the selfies were not in any way flattering.
  20. copelandbessie

    copelandbessieNew Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    as of this moment, I am getting bored with facebook. The pages I supposed to Liked because of the things that interest me is not showing up on my news feed. And because of the newsfeed new set of rules, instead of gaining new ideas often times topics posted on my newsfeed are junks from my friends and things that you dont enjoy.