Whenever I'm scrolling down my newsfeed, I see a bunch of different pages sponsoring giveaway ads, saying that if you share the photo, you can receive free merchandise. Has anyone successfully won a giveaway, and received the item as promised via Facebook? I'd really like to participate in a few that appeal to me, but I never actually see real people talking about how they won the giveaways on Facebook, it's usually just the pages themselves talking about the so-called winners. I know I have a few friends who share a lot of the photos hoping to win, but I've never seen any of them win before. Is it worth it and where do I find the best giveaway or freebie pages on FB?
I also saw it lots of times. Some are telling you to like this page and share it for you to win. I don't do it and I never heard anybody who won a price by liking or sharing sites or ads. I doubt it's not true unless someone will personally tell me that he did won.
I doubt it. Even if some are, I would bet many aren't.. it's a very easy way to get new followers or even personal information. Aside from that, I hate how they take advantage of our numbers on there and it bothers me seeing those things in my feed. I would never bother my friends like that. Entering a contest should be good enough, but "bug your friends or lose" is just wrong.
I think they are a bunch of scams just so people will share their crap. Never once have I heard of anyone winning anything on facebook. My advice just stay away from those things.
I've always wondered about this! I've yet to hear from someone in real life that's actually won anything on facebook. I know plenty of people that post pictures and like pages, but not a single person that has won. Surely, some of them must be real! Probably just not the vast majority, I'm afraid.
A friend of mine got a keychain and a mousepad out of a game promotion the company was making, so i guess it depends? It's like a lot of things in life, you got to decide if they are legit or not.
BlackSolaris, your friend got those things from the company page right? Because I think what's being discussed here is that advertising that appears everywhere on Facebook. I think that should be forbidden, I don't know how they allow it, the offers are so surreal I don't know who can believe in them.
I have participated in a few of these promotions, I have not recieved the prize offered buy these promotions! I don't do it anymore, it's like all those surveys I took when I was trying to earn money for taking them! One survey leads to another, and you never get through to the point where you get paid!
exactly . i tried the surveys and it just went from one to another. on top of that i started getting spam from these guys asking me for money to get "special" info on surveys i can do for $100 a pop. then you read the disclaimer at the end at just laugh. "no guarantee" . saves them from any type of lawsuit . there are no free lunches ! the only thing that i found was legit was liking pages for .05 cents each. you can google it because i am not sure if i can post the site link . just google "facebook likes for cash". its not much though. a few dollars a month.
If you're told you can get something for nothing, it generally won't work. Big companies will come through with samples and things of that nature, but you won't win any money or get any expensive prizes in most cases. It's all about attracting people to the site for marketing purposes and then the shadier companies won't give out their promised prize to someone random. I've seen them hand out a prize to a dummy account or someone working for them so they can look like they're legit. I happen to have written many social media marketing articles about how to dupe people. Not proud of it, but it is something people will do to make more likes occur.
Most are many aren't. You kind of just have to use common sense. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Most of the ones you see are just for the exposure and the free advertising from shares on FB.
If the giveaways are not legit then you'd probably hear from people who've done the sharing and didn't win anything. So maybe the 'rules of engagement' are vague which is why it's hard for anyone to win. But I'm sure there a number of people who get the gifts [or whatever it is that's being given off] because if these companies are marketing then what better way to get positive feedback than to have someone talking about something they've won? If it doesn't take too much time to share a photo, link, etc then why not do it? Take that risk and see if it pays off in the end. Maybe you only win if your friends share the photos too? There has to be some criteria they use to get winners.
facebook giveaways I just started to actually use the ads on Facebook for my own pages, but as far as the giveaways, Facebook is really strict with all of their policies. That being said, I believe that their giveaway offers are legit. Myself personally I have never clicked on a giveaway advertisement, but then again like I said, their policies and by-laws are very strict so there should be no worries. I hope that helps out as much as possible!
I doubt it. Most of the time it's just a way for pages to get more likes. There was a style page that posts different styles and fashions and it advertised that there would be a drawing if you like their page, comment on their posts and like the posts. The day of the drawing came and it never happened. Nobody won, nobody's name was drawn. False advertising!
This is the best answer right here. I cannot believe anyone ever really wins on these "offers" and they pretty much have to just be scams. Facebook is one of the most heavily trafficked websites in the world, and advertisers have developed tricks to turn that traffic into money. If you see something you want to share with your friends, go for it. But I would not expect you would ever really see a prize for it.
When I first encountered these giveaways and deals, my friends were also sharing the posts so straight away my barrier had been lowered just due to the fact that people on my friend's list were entering themselves in these giveaways. But when I entered myself, along with them, I quickly discovered that it was a scam, and that there was no giveaway. Asda seem to do a lot of them. They claim that if you share their post and you are the 100th one to share it, you will win groceries to a certain amount of money. I have never seen any of these giveaways come to fruition. They are never legit as far as I know.
These are a scam. I read a report recently that said they access your information on your profile and sell it to other companies. There are no prizes and are not from the companies advertised. I will admit I have shared this kind of post, because the person who posted it was someone who I did not think would be taken in. Many think even if it is a scam, it can't do any harm, but they do have a means to track down some information and at least target your feed with ads.
I will also admit that I have shared these kinds of posts too lol. I had wondered what the point of these scams were, because nobody wins anything as far as I know. So thank you for letting everyone know what these scams gain by having you share their posts -_- I had always thought that Facebook did all of those things anyway - access your profile information, feed you ads, and sell your information to other companies. I am so happy that I have stopped using Facebook. Some of these scams always seem so legit as well, and nobody ever seems to find out that they have been duped because they were never expecting to win the prizes anyway.
I doubt whether they would be offering of worth, if at all. I'm guessing once you share the photo you lose all rights involved as well. For some reason I just can't see any decent prizes being handed out. I've never heard about anyone winning anything, and as much of a cop out as it might sound, I don't think I'll do it until someone I know actually wins something.
I think these offers are scam. I don't really believe them and I don't join them as they seem too good to be true. Some of my friends have joined, but no one has said that they have won.