I understand there as app called "Go", which will help you compare auto insurance rates. They say, don't get married to your auto insurance carrier. Use this app and it will help you find the best rate every time you need to purchase a policy. i have not tried it, just passing along the info.
My auto insurance is lower than anyone's I know, so I would say I am happy with it. I would be really surprised if I could find rates any lower than what I have right now. Thanks for posting this though. Metro Mile is a pay as you go insurance policy which might help save money, but I am not sure.. I don't drive every day because when I do drive it is usually pretty far from my home base.
That's an interesting and convenient app, but the question is: does it provide information about local auto insurance providers or is it limited to selected countries such as those in Europe and North America? Certain apps are very regionalistic. If not, I think it would be better to download one that covers all grounds.
Thanks for this tip. I have not heard of it and would appreciate if it can be used internationally. There isn't such a service in my country. But on a cautionary note, I have noted that the cheapest is not necessarily the best so its good to look at the products individually comparing the prices with the products and benefits on offer to get the best deal.