I went backpacking with my dad and brother from a fairly early age and learned to go in the woods squatting. That was 'normal' if not as convenient of easy as a girl as it was for the males. Even with that background, a female urination device doesn't feel natural. It feels VERY strange at first. I practiced a lot at home and it was very awkward at first. Now, I use it when I need to on the go but if there's a chance of finding a cleaner/better bathroom, and I can wait, I do wait. I drink a ton of water though so I almost never get through even a dayhike without needing to pee in the woods. They're easier and more private than squatting if you wear the right clothes.
I would be inclined to agree. But at this point, I am also inclined to ask: what's new? This isn't a new thing. People just accept this type of stuff, and many do not even question what messages some of these advertisement companies/marketers are sending culturally and socially, unless they are in the business of sociology, or are intrigued enough to look into it more
I'm a sociologist... I totally question it allllllll day long. However, we must demand a larger sized pee cup to prevent possible dribble and an array of colors including gender neutral colors for our transsexual friends. I could continue, but I won't. Where do we find this product? I'm going to put these in Christmas baskets this year!
There's no danger of overspill because it's not a closed container. It has an exit tube, so it's basically a vagina extender and you still need something to pee on or into, like a tree or some snow. It allows you to pee standing up but it doesn't contain the pee. You'll still have to look for a place to pee ,as men do. I looked at this item on Amazon and that's how I saw some better photos and details.
Oh right, I didn't realise that! So it's like a funnel or a diverter then? I did actually think it was a closed container so thanks for pointing that out.
Ha! Vagina Extender! I wonder if you can write your name with it. We can participate in the snow games now too girls! Grab a beer and play along! Oh, these are totally going in the Christmas baskets for sure with a poem now.
It is nice to talk to a sociologist. When I took sociology classes in high school/secondary school, it was a class that I really excelled in, because I'd always been someone who took note of the hoe's and why's of society. I should be getting paid for my observations lol. An array of colors would be great. Personally, I don't have any use for one of these products. I pee just fine without one.
Log InLog In that I have without extender. Amazon also has multi-packs of them. There is a wide variety of female urination devices to choose from with significant variation in length and color. I was somewhat surprised by the number of options when I first found them on a backpacking website. There must be a pretty good market for them. I tried out four different brands. I do like the go girl best but that could be as much about my personal anatomy as about the product design.
I bought one of these for a friend a long long time ago. She was the type of person who always had to use the washroom in the most inconvenient places. She loved it. She didn't love keeping it clean apparently but otherwise it served her well.
My girlfriend used one of these when were backpacking accross europe last summer, we were camping in random places in fields and stuff, this was defiantely a life saver for her, a recommended buy for any adventerous kind of lady! Just make sure you wash it well, and wash it with boiling water occasionally as you dont want to get any nasty infections from it!
This is so wrong in so many ways, I can't imagine why would anyone even think they would make a good profit out of a scary thing like this. Are there any girls who would want to try something like this? I can't imagine girls using this stuff without being embarrassed.
My female urination device is longer than yours! I particularly love the fact that Amazon has multi-packs! Amazon is my friend.
The hoe's and why's? You take note of the hoe's? I would like to see these notes and how you structure them. I feel like I'm missing a whole area of study! I don't get paid for my observations... but I sure can be entertaining on a good day.
I disagree. If you do some research into the product - and just based off of some of the responses in this thread alone - you can see how beneficial such a product is. It is practical. I am not sure if you are a woman or not, or if you have ever tried to pee standing up, where there is no toilet seat, or place to sit down. Things get messy. So having a device like this to pee out of limits that mess. It is practical.
To be clear, I've never seen or heard of anyone who tried to use one at a urinal in the men's room. I think the most common use is backpacking where there are no bathrooms. Urinating in the woods is difficult for a woman and if someone stumbles on you in the bushes, large portions of your anatomy are exposed. With this type of device, nothing is really exposed. The second thing some women, including me, use it for is in gross bathroom stalls or port-a-potties. No one can see how you're using the toilet in those places but there are a lot of places with questionable sanitation that I wouldn't want to have to sit down to urinate.
That's something I definitely will never be seen dead using LOL I would not judge anyone for using it, I'm all about "each to their own". I'll even watch and have a giggle along with other people hehe But yes, not for me. I do know a couple of girls who would be interested in them though!
Well, I'm not a woman, but I still disagree with this, yes things might get messy, but it still seems very unnatural for a woman to pee like that. Even though I see the practical part, I think that there might be many complications if one's gets infected by using this thing.
For me, what is natural and unnatural can often be a matter of perception. As stated above, I don't think that you are ever going to see a women entering a men's restroom, and using a urinal with one of these things, because why would we, unless we are talking about a transgendered male. As for infections, I am assuming that there is a way to use it so that you will not incur an infection, and I think that as long as you are clean and sanitary whilst using the device you'll be ok. The product isn't something that I am either drawn to or repelled by, to be honest. I just didn't like how underhand the marketing of the product was.
I agree this is certainly a strange product. For one, these types of bottles have been around for decades, complete with attachments for women. But why on earth would a woman want to walk into a men's restroom and stand at a urinal - only to pee into a bottle? I really don't get the whole "peeing while standing up" envy thing - it's not all that great at all. I hate standing beside other guys peeing - you literally smell their urine, and it's enough to make me vomit. Even worse is when there aren't dividers and you get "splashed". Plus you almost always are standing in puddles of someone else's pee on the floor while trying to use the urinal. I'm a guy, and I seldom pee standing up at all. I avoid all that mess and just go use a stall. I hate being in an office environment with dress pants, using the stand up urinal, then getting the inevitable drip marks all over my pants (no matter how much you "shake" it off first). Plus, if I'm going to the restroom, why not sit down for a moment and relax while I do my business, in privacy as well too?