I just decided 3 weeks ago to give up pop. I said enough is enough and I quit cold turkey. Not only does pop ruin your teeth is causes your bones to be brittle and costs a lot of money to drink it every week. Going cold turkey and quitting pop can you do it?
I do agree with you on most of your argument. Pop can ruin your teeth and could cause you a good number of health problem, which you might eventually need medication to help combat with. It inadvertently could cost you more money in the future. However, where I live at least, pop doesn't cost that much money. I wouldn't go cold turkey completely but could lay off of it a couple of weeks or months.
I'm not addicted to it, so I don't find myself in a situation where I have to permanently stop buying it. It makes me just a bit uncomfortable peeing because when I have soda I drink less water.
I am a Coke drinker since a long time ago. And I prefer the Coke in can, classic taste. But I sometimes quit drinking for some days or up to a week when I have a cold or when my gastritis is acting up. In other words, I tend to stop drinking soda when I am not feeling well. In fairness to Coke, it gives me the energy especially when I am fatigued and my eyes are drooping. It’s just like coffee for me.
Aw, your post just made me want to drink Coke right now, @Alexandoy ! I used to drink Coke every day several years back but I've cured the addiction by shifting to vitamin-enriched flavored juice drinks and drinking ice-cold water straight from the freezer. Nowadays, there just seems to be triggers for drinking soda and I allow myself a sip just so I won't feel deprived. There's just one cold drink that can beat soda for me and that is iced coffee but it is also something that I can't have too often because coffee causes my heart to palpitate. I always feel the thirst for soda after eating fatty foods and shifting to less fatty and healthy diet has helped reduce the craving. I go for the orange-flavored soda on days when I feel tired and it's such a quick source of energy just like the energy surge one gets by eating a chocolate bar or drink. These days are rare though so I don't feel guilty indulging on this habit.
I have been trying for years to cut back on my excessive Coke drinking habits and it has been largely unsuccessful. I take a can of Coke every day or every other day. It is so bad! I just don't know how to stop. It helps if I am not around shops where I can buy it, but once I feel the cold metal in my hands, it's in my belly within seconds. Is there a Coke rehab center that I can go to maybe?
I don't need to quit, because I don't drink soda. I just don't like it. It's too sweet for my taste. Not only it can damage your teeth, but it can lead to type 2 diabetes. I would only have some coke when I drink whiskey. When I lived in America I noticed that people are addicted to soda. They drank it more than water. At first I was wondering why there are so many people with bad teeth and later I made the connection with their soda consumption.