I have bad teeth and I need to go to the dentist way more often than I would like. In a normal year I can go 4 or 5 times to the dentist because I go there once with an issue and she spots another 2 or 3 problems. She always says I need to floss more often what I've been to lazy to do, but I am starting to do it now more often. I think flossing can effectively save me a lot of time, money and pain! How's your relation with the dentist?
I'm petrified of the dentist, which sounds silly when I'm 35, weight 230lbs and am built like a shed. I hadn't been in many years, I eventually went and had to take my sister with me and I had to have NINE teeth removed because they had broken in various fights and ugly football challenges over the years and I had been too scared to get them seen to straight away. I was sedated and they were removed and apart from a little bit of tenderness with the wounds I felt fine.
I go there once or twice a year for a thorough clean, but I won't have any fillings despite of having a few small holes. These small cavities have remained the same for many years now, since I stay away from processed sugars and take very good care of my teeth, cleaning them with an electric tooth brush, flossing them, and gargling with sea salt and teatree oil. I also keep them white with using bicarbonate of soda. A friend of mine who is a dental technician advised me to keep all dentistry as minimal as possible.
Oh Boy, I will be in the dental chair for awhile. I have not taken good care of my teeth and know that several will have to be removed and replaced. They have broken and chipped to the point that I am no longer comfortable when I try to eat.
I have had many bad experiences with the dentist, but I still go when I can even if I hate it. My husband on the hand, it took me 2 years to force him to go. He had a bad experience with an army dentist when he was in service and was traumatized ever since, which is weird considering the places he'd gone and stuff he has done. But yeah, he had to go about 5 times this year because of problems and found if he flossed and stuff his teeth would be in a lot better shape.
I think it's really crazy that some people never go to the dentist and have no issues all their lives, while other like me need to go there several times per day. I have a colleague that brags that he hadn't gone to the dentist since he's a kid and that he just washes his teeth every other day... yuck! I floss and wash my teeth twice per day and even so have lots of issues.
My aunt is my dentist so yeah. Ever since I was a kid I've been going to her place to do my teeth. Overall I've had good and bad memories there but at least I have complete trust in her work. That said it can get strange when she tells story about when I was a kid to her assistant while working on my teeth. Since I became a college student I've actually gotten lazy about flossing my teeth, it's a terrible habit that I should stop.
Yes, flossing is really important because if we don't do it we can damage the teeth in the contact points. It has taken me quite a while to understand the importance of flossing, I was lazy too, but now I've started with this discipline and I won't let go, I mean, I already feel a difference when I don't floss, it's like I have something strange that doesn't belong there.
I haven't been to the dentist in I don't know how long. I know I need to go but my insurance doesn't cover anything except cleaning which wouldn't do me much good. I'm kinda not looking forward to it when I have to go because the last time I went they said I needed braces. I think my teeth are pretty healthy considering I haven't taken as much care of them as I should throughout the course of my life. It's mostly cosmetic issues that I have problem with. I do try to brush them as often as I can but I only remember to do it when I'm taking a shower so they only get brushed once. I just get too preoccupied with making money on the internet that I barely have much of a break. However I do make a point to use mouthwash every time.
I go to the dentist twice a year for cleanings. I do not hate or love my dentist...I just like to keep up with maintenance so I am not hit with an expensive problem some time down the road.
It is a must to visit a dentist at least once a month or every two months to have a regular cleaning and check up. Don't wait until you really have to see one to undergo to an emergency medication. Prevention is better than cure. And trust me a regular visit to a dentist provides and avoidance to more serious dentist visitations and dental procedures.
Are you serious 003? Once a month? You are even worse than me! They recommend every 6 months to go there, I never knew anyone going there once a month or even every two months, but after going 3 weeks in a row I guess I could have easily gone every 2 months for half a year, that's the average. She said I need to return in October, so there's another one...
My dentist told me that my teeth doesn't need cleaning, so I never availed of that service yet. I haven't visited a dentist in years since my teeth don't ache, and the last time I had a tooth removed was when I was 21, it was my wisdom tooth. I think that as long as you take good care of your teeth then you won't need to frequently visit your dentist.
This week I went with my kid to make a dental x-ray and I was amazed, I never saw nothing like that, that I can recall of course. He's 7, so we can see all the teeth in his mouth, but more, the unborn teeth as well under the existing teeth and also the large roots from the definitive teeth. Pretty cool, the price was good too, just around $3, very cheap.