Greater Reliance On Solar Power

Discussion in Gas & Electricity started by explorerx7 • Sep 3, 2017.

  1. explorerx7

    explorerx7Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    There is an unlimited source of potential for obtaining solar energy supply. Unlike Fossil fuel, which will be probably depleted over time, the solar power source will be ever present and won't be depleted. We have not seen that great push to develop solar power in a really meaningful way. some people believe that influence from the fossil fuel providers is always seeking to prevent a greater reliance on solar power. For the most part, accessibility of solar is beyond the reach of the ordinary people because it is very expensive to set up the system. I believe, however, that it's gradually coming to the time where there will be improved technology to more effectively harness solar energy which could result in energy costs being greatly reduced but it will be easy to achieve because the fossil fuel providers will be trying their best to not let it happen on a wide scale.
  2. luri

    luriActive Member

    May 7, 2017
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    I use solar power as an alternate energy source. When ever there is power interruption (which is very frequent in my home), I will switch to solar lights. By using solar lights, I am not only have a back up power, but I am also saving energy. The solar power I have installed in my house can only light 8 CFL/LED lights, however, I am thinking to upgrade solar power. Maybe some day I will be able to replace the power supply with solar power.
  3. TheOtherSide

    TheOtherSideActive Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    I greatly believe in the potential of solar power and the benefits it could bring to humanity and the world. It is one of the most environmentally friendly source of energy and one that is self sustaining because it's power is freely given by the sun. But harnessing it's full potential is yet to be achieved because of lack of support from many investors that deemed it as threat to fossil fuels.