Do you groom your own pets or do you take them to the groomer Ex. Petco. I like to wash and groom my dogs on my own to save money. I save over $100 every 2-3 weeks. Sweet!
It is hard for us to groom our pet since she is biting us whenever we hold her feet for cleaning. When it comes to basic cleaning we can do it but for more perfect grooming we let the groomers do that especially when it comes to cutting her hair and cleaning the ears.
I have two dogs, and for the most part I do their grooming. One has longer fur which sheds BADLY in the summer. I use a Furminator brush on him (which I bought for $17 on Amazon, compared to over $60 at the store!) to control his shedding and wash him with oatmeal shampoo to control his dandruff. He's scared of water and closed spaces like the bath tub, so I have to wash him outside with the hose. The only time I take him to the groomer is if he needs to be shaved because of fleas or if he needs to be washed during the winter. But the other dog is pretty easy to groom since his fur is short and he's okay with water. I just have to wash him, dry him, and I'm done!
Ours goes to a groomer every 8 weeks for a haircut. He's a labradoddle and his hair is crazy. It's not something I'm willing to get into at home. We pay $50 plus tip. I think it's worth it. They clip nails and clean his ears. Also jobs I hate. We take him every other week or so to the pet store for a bath. We do that ourselves. It's fun for the kids. I can't say our dog enjoys any of it.
I have a miniature poodle that I groom myself. I bought a high-quality clipper and groom her every week or two (I like her to look her best always). The first time I clipped her when she was around 12 weeks old you would have thought I was torturing her. Even with my husband and oldest daughter holding her for me, she was screaming and whining her little head off. Now she is a pro. When I want her to turn around on the table, I just say, "Turn around" and she does. I use a dremel on her nails and it's a piece of cake and leaves her nails less scratchy than just clipping them with a clipper. I really think she knows she looks good afterwards, too, because she gets all happy and loves the "ooo's" and "ahhh's" she gets from the family. I take her down from the table and say, "Let's go show the girls how pretty your are", and she'll run to their room. She does the same when we show her off for her daddy. It's so cute.
I groom my dog myself most of the time. However once in few months I do get her to the groomer to get the works done. I can't seem to get all the dirt out of her ears and I like the way they clip her nails. However she does not like the groomer and starts whining as we near the place. I find grooming my dog myself a cheaper option I don't mind the few trips to the groomer in the year. These are generally reserved for special occasions.
I take my dog to a groomer. I have a poodle that does not shed. The clippers that they use at the groomer are much more suited for cutting my dog's hair. Plus, I don't have to fight with my dog to keep him still. it's just easier.