Growing Food

Discussion in Home & Garden started by Rosyrain • Mar 1, 2017.

  1. thisnthat

    thisnthatActive Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    We sold our land, but I used to have a big, beautiful garden, strawberries, tons of blackberry bushes, and a couple fruit trees. I really miss it, although I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with all of that any more anyway. We have one blackberry bush here, so that's cool. I do plan to do some container gardening at least.

    I was just looking at starter plants yesterday. They look good and are priced well. I'm going to get some buckets at Lowe's and at least grow a tomato plant, maybe a bell pepper or something as well. Even if you can grow a little bit, it does help save money. It's also just nice to know you always have fresh produce when you want it.
  2. Beast_Titan

    Beast_TitanActive Member

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I do vegetable gardening but I started raising my own animals for food as well. I have rabbits for meat and fur. I eat the meat and I sell the hides at etsy and ebay. I have hens for eggs, I don't keep roosters because eggs can lay eggs without them and roosters are illegal in the city. I am planning to have an aquaphonics tank so I can keep some tilapias and fresh water prawns.