Anyone here growing food indoor? Personally, I'm thinking of growing salad. The roots don't go deep, some simple pots are enough and the time it takes to reach adult stage is not that long. From what I've read it doesn't sound expensive and seems fun. Plus, I'll save some money by growing part of my food on my own.
I think that everything that we can grow ourself is a great idea, even if it is just a few cucumbers and some salad lettuce. Not only do we save money, but when you grow it yourself, then you know how healthy it is. Even when you only have an apartment, there is room to grow veggies in the windows, and even better when you have a deck or balcony. One of the popular ideas nowdays is vertical gardens. You use the wall space and attach long planters, and some people even plant the small veggies in gallon milk jugs, so you don't even need planters. Here is a vertical garden made by using recycled rain gutters, fastened up to an outside wall.
I do not think personally I can do it. I am one busy person and taking care of that little garden indoor will be such hard work that I think will be take more of my time. I would rather just get my vegetables from the grocery stores. That way it is much easier.