I recently had my hair dresser tell me to NEVER buy quality name brand hair products at retail locations, because the products themselves are of lesser quality than something you would get at a licensed salon. I have a little trepidation about this, because it almost feels like he wants me to buy directly from him, but wanted to see if there was any merit to this. I am specifically asking about stores like Ross, Marshall's, and TJ Maxx, but mass retailers like Target or Walmart can apply as well.
I have always brought my hair care products from Walmart or Amazon, and I don't see the difference. I highly doubt a name brand product will make their products lesser if it comes from walmart or amazon. They work just as good in your hair as if you were to buy the product directly from your hair stylist. Also, it is a lot cheaper to go through walmart or amazon, especially amazon I have found tons of hair care products online that professionals use for good prices and they work great!
They are the same product, though usually Marshall's and those stores have discontinued lines or ones where the packaging has changed. Obviously as people can open the containers there is more risk of people sticking their fingers in, but if it is sealed you will be fine.
This is comforting, thank you. I would like to use better quality products than the ones I currently have, and going through discount stores is currently the best means I can use to make that happen. I will have to pick the brain of more hair care specialists and see if it really is a sales-driven thing or not. I understand needing to make a paycheck, but I really cannot drop $60 on a single product in a salon.
Yeah, it's not worth the money, in my opinion. Some brands are only sold in certain salons because of an agreement the company has with the manufacturer, but you can ask your stylist why he recommends a certain product. Sometimes you can find products with the same ingredient for cheaper at other places.
When it comes to beauty products I have always found that the brands and the generic stuff is pretty similar, and I think more so than it is in other categories. I also am someone who typically does not invest that much in this area though, so that should be taken into account. I just always prefer to save a little money when I can.
I think it's okay to just buy store brand items and I do feel like the one telling you this might be just wanting you to buy from them instead. If you are unsure then maybe just buy a few from them and a few from the stores so you could compare it yourself and make your own conclusions. Usually when I come across a decision like this I will do a good amount of research on both and try as much as possible to get experience of personal comparison as well.