Hair extension is the accessories which can add looks to your personality .Mainly they suit during a party or any occasion so find according to your hair strength.
I have some, but rarely use them. When I dyed my hair it rarely stayed the same colour so I didn't get much chance to use them. Since I stopped dying my hair, I'm well on my way to one colour and will likely use extensions for highlights. No more permanent for me.
I have never worn a hair extension. I like my hair the way it is. There are times that I change the color but that's it. My natural hair is wavy. I have it rebonded to straighten it.
I personally have never worn them because I feel like I would get highly disappointed that it isn't my real hair. I rather try to do everything in power to make my hair healthier so that it starts to grow longer like the extensions. I would also have a high fear of them falling out if I was the wear the extensions.
I've had every type of hair extensions. I had the bonded wefts, the microlinks, the sew in weaves, and I've also had clip ins. If I had to choose a method, I would probably go with microlinks since they're so much less damaging, but they're permanent at the same time. I could never get into clip-ins, because they're so temporary. I felt like I was going to bed looking one way, and during the day I'd look completely different with extra long hair!
I have thought about using hair extensions but I changed my mind cause my hair is already naturally long so I decided not. I heard they can get really annoying and itchy and tangle up your hair so it just seems like too much of a hassale.
No, I haven't tried wearing hair extensions yet, but when the time comes that it's accessible to me and I need it then I wouldn't mind trying it out.
I haven't worn them before, but I would like to. I don't necessary want length, but want more thickness and volume added to my hair. I like the look of them.
I never wore them and since I recently realized those hair extensions are real hair that might come with diseases it made me think that I will never put an hair extension, but maybe time will prove me wrong.
I've seen people use hair extensions and I think they look pretty cool, especially when you use a bizarre colour like aqua! I've wanted to try it a couple of times but I never have the opportunity and they're quite pricey, I can't spend money on hair extensions alone sadly. Everyone has different hair types, but you know what they say, it's personality that counts so be happy with who you are, not how you look. Though, some people are very naive and think the opposite.