It was my birthday a few days ago, and one of my friends thought it was a good idea to get me a voucher for a trip on a hot air balloon. I dearly love my friend, but how can I tell her that the mere thought of even climbing into one of those things makes me feel dizzy? I have absolutely no head for heights, and being in one of those little baskets, or whatever you call it, with hot air being pumped into a huge balloon, would have me sitting on the floor in no time, hyperventilating, and clinging desperately onto somebody's legs. I really don't want to go through all that.
Well, I haven't been in one before and I think I would never want to be in one if I ever got the chance, I'm not really scared of heights, but I guess I would definitely get some very mild panic attacks when the basket starts to shake or something.
Yes, I've been on them a few times, and I didn't care for it. My friends uncle did hot air balloon rides at fairs, so she invited me to go on a few for fun (it was free, so I figured why not). At the time I didn't think I would be frightened by it at all (the balloon was attached to the ground by a cord, and it only went up about a couple hundred feet or so. The main thing I didn't realize until I got there was that the basket itself that you stand in barely has any walls to contain you. The walls of the basket on all four sides sloped down so you could step into it. But they are only about knee high. So I clung to the corner of the basket the whole time while we were up in the air. It would have been really easy for any one of us to fall out if we had lost our balance while up there. I don't mean to freak you out, but perhaps you can re-gift the rides to someone else without your friend knowing?
My friend took her mom as a gift and her mother LOVED IT! But she has like hot air balloons her whole life. I think it is one of those 'must do' experiences. Even if you don't think you are going to enjoy it, you will gain a new perspective being up there and then you will never have to do it again. Your friend must really love you to buy you such an expensive gift. Just watch Wizard of Oz or something to inspire you to want to get up there! lol Just do it!
Yes I have been on one before in my hometown during a special event and it was an exciting fun experience for me. I was a kid then when I went on one so it was quite a long time ago. I'm glad I went for a ride on a hot air gallon when I had the chance. In life it's good to try something but of course if a person is scared of heights then he or she won't want to go on a hot air balloon.
Even if that may be the case, wouldn't it be nice to try something daring for your birthday. For once in your life, you should do something daring. Doing so generates a sense of fulfilment. The daring stuff usually involves heights, anyway. I find hot air balloon flights really exciting and I hope to get in on one someday. When you're in an airplane, you see the view through the plane's window. With a hot air balloon ride, though, you see everything with your own eyes. Although I fear heights, I'm more than willing to fly this way. You should try it. It would be memorable for you.