Whether you're trying to learn a new language, listening to a self-help book, whatever it might be... Why not do this? I've tried it for maybe once or twice, so naturally I can't speak about the benefits of it... Is there anyone who does this on a regular And if so, can you please share your thoughts on how this has helped you? Thanks!
It might give you some lucid dreams or help you study something, but most people are simply going to hear that in their sleep and retain none of it by the time they wake up. Studies are mixed on whether or not doing this makes a difference, but some people will swear by it.
I've tried this a few times but it didn't really work for me so I just stopped. I was hoping I would learn about things subliminally so I wouldn't have such a hard time trying to memorize everything but ultimately I think I just dream when I sleep and my mind probably doesn't pay much attention to the audio at that point. I'm sure this works on some level for some mediums like music but I'm doubtful it works for reading.
Sleep learning doesn't work. It was disproved times and times again. You can always just learn the language in your spare time.
That would be totally awesomel! It does work. I don't mean sleeplearning as in: I want to learn how to be an architect while I sleep... Anything you listen to while you sleep is going to affect you in a negative or positive way. We can agree on that, right? If you go to sleep to 9 hours of Walking Dead you're going to wake up messed up in the brain. In that sense, even nature sounds seem pretty cool to me. I'll try a book or two.
I don't think listening to audiobook while sleeping will help me learn about something. When you're asleep, basically, your mind is also shut, I mean, you're not focused. And how can you acquire new knowledge if your brain is completely not functioning well. I don't think it will ever work out for me.
I guess that depends on a person. I sleep with various stuff on every day, and it never really changed anything for me - I have had semi-lucid dreams where I was aware of what was playing in my dreams, but it definitely never changed the mood for me.
I had a certain degree of success with sleep learning. I am not in a state of full-on sleep though. My consciousness is still up. I think my brain is on the alpha wave. I feel relaxed, but I cannot consider it as deep sleep. Based on studies on the brain, the alpha level is a receptive brain frequency. I created my own sleep study technique based on what I learned on this. On the topic of lucid dreaming, having a memorable dream off of the learning material does help with retention... Do not have too much of the zombie audiobooks though. I had way too much zombie dreams as of late.
I have tried it for two weeks and didn't really have any outstanding results. I wanted to see whether I could improve my Spanish while I was sleeping, but all that happened was that I fell asleep after listening to the audio for five minutes and drifted far away into some personal dreamland of mine, without paying any attention to the Spanish voice in my ears.
I just listen to the music to help me relax and go to sleep, I have not listened to learn anything. I have listened to mediation type music when I have been trying to learn something that was proving to be a very hard subject to learn for me.
Na, I've definitely tried this and hasn't worked for me at all when I tried cramming for a test. The issue is while you might pick up SOME things, you're not actively engaging your brain in listening and learning the material on the audiobook. If you're just using it as some back-ground noise, then there's no problem, but this method for actually learning stuff didn't work for me.
I think the only way this would work would be maybe with a short phrase? Something along the lines of "you will remember this." I personally sleep with the same playlist just about every night of the week and Im pretty good at recognizing the intro. :/ Better than nothing in my book. Best of luck!
I have not actually tried sleep learning, but I used to follow this method for my college exams (Please do not laugh and this is really true, I am not fibbing). I read for one hour, sleep for one hour, read for another hour and sleep again. I repeat this till 11pm and then get up in the morning and do not read again till I finish the exam. It worked very well for me. I have to say that the sleep in between is not really sleep as I will be dreaming about what I read and use it to reinforce what I read. For some reason, I have not tried it again. I worry I would fall asleep and wake up the next morning. I am not as carefree as I was in college so that may be a reason.
It hasn't worked. I have tried this method to learn about copyright and intellectual property rights. I listen to the audio files before going to bed and during bed time I let the audio play. I still needed to go through the recording (in other words "redo") the reading by listening to the courses in my waking hours because the knowledge does not seem to stick.
If you listen to audiobooks while sleeping, then not only are you wasting the battery used to play the audio but it also defeats the purpose of listening to an audiobook. The story will altogether escape your understanding. When that happens, what then? I could listen to an audiobook and fall asleep along the way and this may happen but not by some deliberate action.
Wait, is that a thing? That you can sleep and listen to something and you'll learn from it? From all I've heard it's sort of a myth... maybe it can calm you down if you listen to something slow and serene. But actually learn? I don't believe that.
I have been listening to the audio kjv bible for 3 years at night., regularly while sleeping for most nights. In my experience ,this means at at some point I have heard and therefore read the whole bible. The dreams that I have while listening to the bible are clearer more direct and I am able to remember them with no unexplainable pauses.. What I have also noticed is that the rythm and the way in which the bible is written is no longer alien to me and therefore my comprehension of the bible increases. One other point that I have found is that when I do actually read the bible I get more impartation and revelation of the scriptures that I could not and would not see before., and now , i feel like I am actually in fellowship and in a real relationship with the Holy Spirit rather than just pretending, hoping and not really believing ,but trying to!!, Don't get me wrong Lord knows that ,boy ,do I have my issues,but I now talk them through with the Holy Spirit as in the way of a true counscellor. Little, subtle , but effective personal changes to my attitude and expressing all my problemsv via the Holy Spirit and asking for help night and day works for me and has been gradual! My comments are a bit long, however I hope that it is clear, helpful and encouraging.
I wish I can share something positive about it but it wasn't effective for me. I tried it in relation to the Law of Attraction thing where I needed to listen to an audio recording while sleeping. The audio was supposed to run for three hours while I sleep but I had a hard time going to sleep and when I did, it was fitful. The audio was supposed to help my mind unlock its potentials and show me the way to achieve - guess what - success and prosperity! It might have helped other people, but it did not work for me.
I have actually been using audio as a means of falling asleep and it works pretty well for me, but a book would not really work for me. I would be out in ten minutes and never remember anything.