Has anyone here ever bought the insanity work out DVD's? I see the commercial on TV every night, and it looks like a great workout. if the testimonials are true. The workout returns great results. my question is has anyone here actually tried it? I am really trying to lose some weight before the summer comes, and i thought that Insanity would be a great way to do that. Can anyone give me a review of Insanity? Or recommend a better workout DVD?
Well because it actually has you moving your body and doing high intensity workouts, is probably worth all the hype. My cousin lost a lot of weight using Insanity DVDs in conjunction with clean eating. It will only ever work if you pair it with proper nutrition!
I agree with the previous poster. I've not personally tried it because I would never be able to keep up with the program due to medical issues. However, the lead singer of my favourite band has been using it for over a year now, with amazing results. He lost a lot of weight and toned himself up dramatically. He did change his eating habits, as well, as his girlfriend is in university for homeopathic medicine. She too, has been using Insanity along side him and is fit as can be. They have said nothing but great things about the program so, if you think you can commit to the regimen, I'd go for it!
YES. Trust me, it's amazing. I did it early in 2012 and those two months were incredible. In all fairness, if you don't do cardio now or have worked or muscles recently...this WILL drain you and of course cause soreness. Though I strangely felt good the first day of trying it. Shaun T. is an excellent trainer because he understands how the body works. I always wondered how someone could consistently work out day after day (there is a recovery day and off day of each week) without breaking down from physical pain. The secret is that each day plans to work out different body parts and muscles. You'll be surprised how much you can take once you get over the first few days of being exhausted or sore. The first month has a good routine, but the second month has a higher difficulty to adjust to your growth. I loved every second of it. After the first week alone I was used to it. I suggest if you miss a day to try and make it up on recovery day or make up day. That really helped me stay on schedule. Oh and when you're done, the Beach Body workouts (basically a series of other DVDs) has even harder workouts meant to come after Insanity. Asylum is one you should check out immediately after if it interests you. DO IT. YOU CAN DO IT. =p (You'll hear that a lot).
I haven't tried Insanity but did T25. I know Insanity is allot more intense. If you looking to get started you might want to check it out as well. We ran a T25 contest were I work and the group (about of 10) lost over 250lbs in 3 months. I'm sure we could have lost more had we really pushed it. T25 is just 25 min each day wit a 5 min cool down. It is over before you know it.
I haven't but would like to give it a try. It seems it was yesterday when Billy Blanks was the rage. I can even remember when Jane Fonda and Jayne Kennedy(actress/sportscaster) had workout videos. These were fun but now that I'm older, I will check credentials before buying.
I haven't but am very interested in it. I don't like crazy informercials about all of the results that you will supposedly see, but I would imagine that it works well. I don't see how it can hurt if you don't spend too much moolah.
This is so important! There's no "quick & easy" for dieting or working out. You have to put the time and effort into it. You can't have one without the other. I see people buying all these fitness DVD's and thinking they can still eat junk food, or as many calories a day as they want, but that's not how it works. You'll also feel better, which means you'll actually feel like exercising, if you're eating the proper foods. Seriously, before buying any fitness programs, work on your eating habits first. Get a decent routine with those and some light exercising to find what suits you, and then do the heavy duty stuff.