I didn't know you could get paid by Bing! I currently use Swagbucks to search and earn points. So far I have redeemed over $300 in amazon, paypal, CVS and Dominos gift cards. I love the site and have referred a few friends. I saved up my Amazon gift cards and bought some beauty supplies and a used laptop.
This sounds interesting. I might give this a try as well.. I always do some research, and using Bing as the search engine is just fine (though I usually use google for my searches..).. Thanks for posting this!
So, the biggest problem that I'm having with the Bing search is remembering that I need to look for 20 things through Bing! I could make it the default search, but I need Google for something else and I have no need to make a permanent switch. But, you can get through the 20 in about five minutes if you can think of enough things to type in quickly.
This is definitely worth looking into. I haven't looked into the finer details yet. Has anyone got any idea what's the payout like? And what are the pre-conditions?
This sounds like it will be very promising! I will have to look into this because I do a ton of research and try to use a search engine which will help me or others out.
The payout is through various gift cards that they have a list of on the site. You will see how many points you need to redeem and it tracks it for you. It is one of the simpler programs out there. I had previously received an abundance of XBox points through them, but didn't really do anything beyond that because they had no other rewards that were worth it to me. They've increased the selection. Go look on Bing and see the page. Even if you don't do every day, they just hold your points there until you can redeem something.
Wow, I might try this myself, seems like it might work. But there is always this impending paranoia that your privacy is being sold.
Wow, I never knew that Bing paid for searches. I might start to use them now. I'm an avid Google user so it has been my main search engine for over 5 years. I have Bing on some of my phones as a default search engine, but I changed them to Google in my settings. Thanks for sharing, I will definitely look into this.
I'll take a look at this. I'm pretty busy online throughout the day, researching to write articles, etc. Being paid to do something I already do sounds like a win win. Thanks for posting, I never knew Bing offered this.
There is also a browser add-on called Topline that will earn you money over time for doing nothing at all. The way it works is that you install the program, and it acts as a browser add-on and replaces all of the ads you see online with their sponsors, while earning you money. I believe the website is jointopline.com; I haven't used the service myself, but I've heard good things from friends. It takes a while to accumulate noteworthy money, but you don't have to change anything about your online habits!
I had no idea that you can earn rewards for searching on Bing. I have never used Bing before, but I think I will have to check it out now!
Sweet! I just signed into my Windows Live account and it's nice to see that I can get rewarded just for searching normally! I just wish they had a slightly bigger rewards selection.
It sounds cool, but I just don't want to install anything onto my computer. It just doesn't sit right with me and it always turns into a big mess. Either something is up with the company or I feel like it's slowing down my computer. But, if I had a computer that wasn't my main thing and I didn't have a problem with problems on it, I'd put it on there and start surfing for a bit.
Yeah, I've gotten a few bucks worth of stuff through Bing Rewards, mostly Xbox Live points. Too slow to really get anything at a reasonable pace, though.
Now that is awesome news! I am always interested in something like this. I actually already do this withLog Inand love it! You can find them Log In I also do this withLog In. You can find out more about Swag Bucks Log In. I am so happy you mention I can also make money with Bing. I will defiantly be looking into it!! Thanks!
I have done InBoxDollars too but I hope to reach my one and only payout soon. Lots of times they refer me to sites that have a poor reputation and I don't like that. With Bing, it's not like I'm going to get rich but at least it is a legitimate search engine, they did not download any software on my computer and since I already do so much searching on line, I might as well get a small stipend for my time.
I signed up with swagbucks, but it's not quite as seamless, I think. I feel like I'd have to devote a certain amount of time to performing tasks on swagbucks that I wouldn't ordinarily do, and that the payout is not worth the time I'm putting in. With bing, i'm just racking up points for using a search engine, which I do fairly often anyway. A few days ago I cashed out an amazon card (waiting for it to arrive in the mail) and yesterday I reached gold status, and I didn't really put in any extra time for it.
You don't have to do quality searches I just put a, b, c, and press enter. The whole process takes me about 10 minutes to complete. I use the points for Amazon cards and Skype talk time. It a good program, but it doesn't compare to Swagbucks in terms of rewards.