Just wondering if anyone has ever shoplifted or shoplifts regularly? I haven't but I have friends who have done so. A friend of my bf actually shoplifts regularly from Walmart. He goes into the store with a huge backpack and discretely stuffs groceries inside. His philosophy is that it doesn't matter if he has 1 item or 10. If he's caught, he'll face the same penalty. I don't know how true this is. The idea of shoplifting hasn't really crossed my mind when I'm in the store. I'd love to hear other's thoughts.
Yes. When I was 21 and homeless, I would sometimes eat food at the supermarket while walking around and then leave. I'm not saying that it's an okay or acceptable thing to do. I'm just answering your question honestly.
That is pretty bold of your boyfriend - since nothing screams "shoplifter" like someone walking into a store with a backpack on. I'm really surprised one of the door greeters hasn't stopped them and asked to examine their bag. It's one thing if you're a parent with a baby, and have a bag with you to carry their bottles, diapers and such - but for someone to just walk in with a bookbag seems suspicious imo. I've shoplifted a few times back when I was a teenager - but it was mainly to see if I could get away with it, and I was also broke at the time, working as a cook and hadn't yet started college. The only things I stole though were some belts, wallets and shoes. I would just bring them into the dressing room, and swap them out with my old stuff and leave, lol. This was back in the early 90's though when the cameras were pretty crappy quality and everything was still being recorded on worn out old VHS tapes - so I figured my chances of getting busted were slim to none. A friend of mine however has been shoplifting for decades, he's in his 40's now and still does it. He mainly steals magazines and smaller food items such as gourmet cheeses and convenience foods. It's pretty amazing what he can walk out with in one "swoop" though - I've seen him walk out of a convenience store with well over $50-$60 dollars worth of magazines, frozen foods, candy bars, etc... He's even walked out of grocery stores with entire cases of beer or pop. In the winter he pulls right up to the stores selling firewood out front, and loads up his car with firewood without even paying for it.
I've never shoplifted before, but I have seen a few of my friends do it. I was around 15 at the time and McDonald's had some super cute Winnie the Pooh key chains in a vending machine.she would go there after school with some friends, use a bobby pin and get free key chains by hacking the machine! She'd give one to everyone, even myself! I did accept it though because it was just too cute to pass up. Though, now that I think about it, I'm as guilty as she was. Oh my,but shoplifting from a big store is risky business.
I’ve only ever shoplifted an eyeshadow from a certain drugstore. It was kind of an accident. I’d stuck it in my purse without thinking (I wanted to reapply my lip gloss), realized what I did in another aisle… and by then I thought, “Hey, no one saw me, might as well get a piece of free makeup.” And I paid for everything else. Not that I’m trying to justify it or anything, but yeah, that’s what happened. Plus I felt so guilty afterward, I could never do it again. I’ve known some shoplifters, though. Pretty sure they’ve since dropped the habit, but there were times they’d ask me if there was anything they could swipe for me. I didn’t take them up on it, though.
I have legitimately forgot to pay for stuff a few times before, but not intentionally shoplift. However having spoken to a few people that have its apparently a lot easier than you'd expect, even at the bigger supermarkets.
I'm a firm believer that whether you get caught or not, when you do something bad [and shoplifting certainly is pretty bad] you'll somehow get to pay for all you stole. That's why I never shoplift [though there were times I thought of it when I was younger]. I knew a guy who regularly shoplifted but he got caught. He was a well-known high school teacher and the store employees thought humiliating him would be better. When the man saw the story in a local paper he quit his job and moved out of town.
Probably not the best idea to confess to crimes online. Anywho, are we specifically speaking of food? Because that brings up a matter of whether being a necessity or not can affect the perception of the crime.
I never have, but I know people who have- one because he was on the verge of being homeless and after paying for life saving medication and rent he had literally nothing left over to buy food with, despite working and going to school...which I understand. The other just started when she was a teen and still does, she just likes to, she's been caught before and it hasn't stopped her from doing it nearly every time she goes into a store...I honestly won't even shop with her, she has a serious problem in that regard.
No this is not something that I have ever tried simply because I know that it is wrong and it is not something that I think that I will even have the guts to do. I just do not think that you should take something that is not yours.
The last time I shoplifted was when I was in middle school (maybe 13 or 14) and a total ditzy girl who let peer pressure get the better of her. Mind you, I shoplifted a number of worthless items from chewing gum to small bottles of cologne to candies. Karma reacted faster than I imagined. The colognes I stole were in turn stolen by my so-called best friend. Anyhow, I started leading an upright and honest life when I turned 16. 11 years later, I now earn enough to buy according to my means.
I have never really tried shoplifting before. I have been in situations before wherein the opportunity to do it was already being presented to me, but I don't know, I just don't have the guts to actually steal something.
Yep, when I was a teen. I was pretty rebellious being unhappy at home and all, so this is one of the many ways I "expressed my independence" while giving a slap to the face of all the dictator adults in my life lol. Ugh.. not a smart kid. I was caught and arrested.. they went the whole nine yards over me and what little I was caught with and yes, he's right.. theft under $5000. I could have stolen a lot more stuff and got the same.
I am not going to lie, I have thought about it many times, but I have never done it, I think that the fear of getting caught scares me too much to let me do it. I would be so nervous I would totally give myself away!
Haha...oh my. I totally thought my friend was making it up. But since theft under $5000 is actually a thing, I guess his approach makes sense. Why get caught for stealing a piece of cheese when you could face the same measures for a backpack full of stuff. For the record, my bf's friend typically steals from Walmart. I would assume they had better security measures in place to catch shoplifters. He also stole a violin from Long & McQuade one but that's a story for another day.
Desparate times call for desparate measures. Whilst theft obviously isn't OK, there's a world of difference between being forced to do this and stealing things that you can certainly afford to pay for just for the thrill of it.
NO, it's thievery...I mean not since I was a young teen. Once I developed a brain, and knew better, I did not!
I have never shoplifted before. There has never been anything that I "needed" to the point that I would act against others and my better judgement to obtain. I can understand how some people think that stealing from a store may not be "hurting anyone," however I think that it hurts the person who is stealing, whether they see it at the time or not.
I have never done that before. There is lots of things I want as well as need though. But I would never shoplift the stuff. I never even thought about doing it. I just try my best to earn money to get it. If I did do it, I would not feel good about it at all. I also do not want to end up in a bad place for my actions. So yeah I would rather just get things the normal way.
No I never shoplift ever. It's a very bad thing to shoplift for you can get banned from the store you're burglarizing and it will be on your record too. It's not wise not to shoplift ever and see if you can ask your friend to stop shoplifting before they get caught. It's very bad if you get caught. We all need and want things that sometimes we can't afford. Believe me everyone is on a budget so that's why we go to thrift stores too. Bad idea to shoplift. Research the penalties and/or fines in your State for shoplifting and make sure your friend sees it to. You can put things on layaway.