A month ago, I bought a second-hand L300 van which I found advertized in Cars Sale page in the Facebook. In a very reasonable price. However, this FB page is only within our area. Upon seeing the picture of than van, my son-in-law with his mechanic relative and I personally visited the place where the van is located and displayed. It's good there's a phone number posted in FB for easy contact. Before we personally saw the van and the seller, we texted him that we'll be coming. Upon arrival, we examined the van, had it roadtest for several minutes. We're satisfied. We closed the deal, paid the price through seller's bank account and drive the van home. By the way, all van's documents were complete including the Deed of Absolute Sale duly notaized by a lawyer. Have you tried buying car as advertised in the Facebook? How do you find it?
I didn't try to use the Facebook to buy a car, because at the moment I don't need it, but I tried to search for other things in the past. There is nothing much t it, I used the search box and checked does the page has the recent post and where it is situated. I always try to get a good local deal, so my search preference is my own town.
No I tend to look on Gumtree or Ebay but I once sold one of my old cars on facebook to a friend of my son. He was local so came to look at it the minute he saw it and as it was a bargain price he came to test drive it right away; I sold it within an hour of putting it on facebook!
No, I didn't even think buying cars on facebook was a thing. Though, it really doesn't interest me too much, it sounds a bit sketchy in my opinion. I would rather buy a car from a professional salesman or a website that is a bit more legit. Buying a car from a random stranger on facebook makes me feel as though there is some sort of extra catch.