Heart disease happens to be one of the top causes of death in the U.S. High blood cholesterol levels increases the risk for heart disease. As heart disease can be quite expensive to treat everyone should do whatever it takes to reduce the odds of them ever getting it [heart disease]. Regular exercise, eating less junk food and once every four or so years, a cholesterol check could help.
Absolutely - looking after our health should be a top priority at all times and would just say - as heart disease is not just one of the top causes of death in the U.S. - but is now - the number 1 leading cause of death worldwide - with many more people now dying as a result of cardiovascular or heart related diseases than other cause - and at younger and younger ages too - we should all be doing our best to prevent it from happening to us. Particularly as - with there now being strong evidence to support the fact - that its modern day unhealthy lifestyle habits - that have lead to the enormous rise in cardiovascular diseases - its totally preventable - by adopting health lifestyle habits as early in life as possible - for example - following the preventative measures - for all ages - outlined in the latest Heart Oganisation Guidelines Log In would be a huge step in the right direction. I would also just add that - as absolutely no one regardless of age or weight is immune from having high cholesterol - this is another issue never to be complacent about - particularly as - because high cholesterol itself shows no symptoms at all and can build up in the blood - increasing the of risk of heart disease without being noticed until its too late - its generally recommended - that in addition to adopting healthy lifestyle habits - adults of average risk should have cholesterol levels checked every four to six years - preferably - starting from as early as age 20 and more frequently for those with an elevated risk - such as having a heredity factor or being overweight, inactive etc. That said - as high cholesterol levels are also something that can be prevented and can more often than not be reversed - just by following the healthy lifestyle guidelines outlined in the previous link - more information on how high cholesterol levels can be prevented, maintained or even reversed can be found here Log In
@gatamontes Thank you for that wonderful links! My mom suffers from a high blood pressure condition and has been on maintenance medication since she was 42. She is already 58 right now. She really got inflicted with the disease at quite a young age. She isn't really into unhealthy foods back then and she was quite active as well. Her older sisters didn't develop the disease as well as her parents. So it was quite shocking for us that she got that condition. Apparently, stress can also contribute to high blood pressure. And back then, the pressures of work might be the culprit. Though stress doesn't necessarily cause the disease, it can be a factor for developing it as the article explains. So I would really suggest everyone to take it easy. Do not let the pressure of work or problems get to you. Try yoga, meditation or even exercise to relieve your stress. Get enough sleep everyday because sleep deprivation is another stress inducer. Take care, everyone! Log In
Thank you so much for all those reminders guys! It is true that heart disease chooses no one. Young or old, slim or fat everyone is at risk for developing heart disease. I had a supervisor once who suddenly died of a heart attack while she was at work. I never expected her to have been suffering from any kind of illness because she was really slim and she didn't look unhealthy in any way. The stress of her work could have contributed to her condition though because she hardly had any regular sleep at all. She was always on the go. It's just so sad that she had to die early leaving her two young kids behind with their grandparents.
That is quite true, that's why I'm quite lucky that high blood doesn't run in our family. I can't imagine not being able to feel strong emotions like happiness, excitement, sadness, etc. I actually have known a few people that died because of a heart attack caused by high blood pressure, and it was quite tragic. When their loved one died, they died a few days later because they could not stand the pain of losing them and had a heart attack.
I have high blood pressure that needs maintenance medication. The doctor who diagnosed me of this health issue prescribed a generic drug. It was after some months before my sister learned of my medication. She changed it to a branded type because the branded, according to her, had greater efficacy. She is a nurse and her husband is a doctor. Now I feel better with my maintenance medication because the falling hair had stopped. That was a side effect of the first medication.
That's absolutely right @Denis Hard. These days we're seeing a spike in high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart related diseases, and just like gata montes pointed out, it's mainly due to our lifestyle choices. We lead sedentary lives and don't bother to get regular exercise, we depend too much on ready meal/TV dinners, most of which are heavily leaden with harmful levels salt, fats and sugars. I try to observe a healthy diet and also fit in some exercise, but I'll be the first to admit that I could do more!
Heart disease is so often linked to a bad diet, a lack of exercise, and all the other standard explanations. But what about prolonged unhappiness? Dissatisfaction? Working too hard and forgetting how to live and enjoy life? I see all this bitterness around me, and sure enough, sooner or later a lot of those unhappy individuals start developing some kind of "heart issue". I wonder how many people would benefit from "opening their hearts" more and letting life into it...
I know some really weird people who have a weird way of seeing things. They don't want to undergo blood cholesterol and blood sugar level tests because they don't want to find out that they have an illness or deficiency. If you don't want to take those tests, then how else will you know? Will you wait for the doctor to tell you that your condition is already beyond repair? You are certainly correct. We have to get checked while there's still time. Who knows what sort of illnesses are lurking in your body and how much life is left in you. It's also more cost-efficient to be treated early. You don't want surgery costs to drain your savings.
I don't have anyone in my family with heart problems, thank god! Still, it's wise to check once in a while if everything is ok with cholesterol levels just to be sure. Apart from that, I'm always mindful about what I eat and what lifestyle I have. I work out at least 5 days a week and have a balanced and healthy diet. However, sometimes even people who lead a healthy lifestyle can have heart problems. I think that stress also has a lot to do with heart problems but it's impossible to make life less stressful. The only thing you can do is change your attitude but that isn't always easy.
People are being constantly reminded of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, however, a majority of the population does not heed the warnings.Check out the junk food outlets and you will see that the patronage to these places is always on the increase, and meanwhile there are ads that urge people to seek to eat healthy, there are a greater number of ads that are promoting unhealthy eating in more glowing terms.
I agree. I think a lot of people make the wrong decisions when it comes to health and savings because in the short term it seems like the better choice to take but in the long run it will probably just cost them more in medical bills. For example, people usually buy fast food because it is the cheapest and I don't think many of them realize that whatever they are saving now on food will eventually come back and haunt them later on so for me it's much more important to spend on healthier food even if it's a bit more expensive.
I agree. Staying active and eating healthy can lower the risks of heart disease or any health issues for that matter.
The American Heart Assc. recommends 25 grams of fiber per day. We should all be striving to get that. Even if you can't stay on your diet, you should at least be getting your fiber. Lots of fiber can be found in canned veges which are easy and quick. We actually like them right out of the can. A dose of metamucil each day adds 5 grams. And I like to mix it with raw apple cider vinegar and apple drink. A very delicious, healthy little beverage.
I have to agree. Many cases of heart disease are preventable. Eating right, following nation guidelines for healthy eating and having an active lifestyle can reduce many cases of high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. It's so important with the number of over weight and obese children that we teach parents and kids about making healthy food choices and having an active lifestyle. These healthy habits can be formed in childhood. Education is so important. Eat right, sleep well, moderate exercise, be kind and happy. This will all contribute to a long and healthy life.
It's already common knowledge but I think what people should be doing is to teach kids good nutrition. Bad eating habits become a cycle and hereditary if the adults won't be a good example to their children. In truth, not everyone has access to good, nutritious food like fresh produce. Such diseases can be avoided but we have to think and decide to live a healthy lifestyle. It's not just exercise anymore. Nowadays, depending on the locations, people don't want to cook anymore because making healthy meals require you to spend on healthy ingredients while instant food is cheaper.
Look, I promised when I became a vegan that I would not push it on people. So it's not what I'm going to do. But it is important to say that high cholesterol and heart attacks are very closely related to eating meat and specially lot of fat meat. So if you don't want to stop eating meat or go vegan or vegetarian because of cholesterol, it's a good idea to at least start making sure you eat lean meat and lean protein in order to keep your cholesterol in check. That being said, I had very high cholesterol and it is much lower now that I'm vegan.