Home Remedy For Hair Fall

Discussion in Health & Beauty started by anupamas2 • Aug 9, 2017.

  1. anupamas2

    anupamas2Active Member

    Oct 7, 2016
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    I recently heard of a home remedy to stop hair fall. I have yet to try it, but I heard about this from my aunt who has done this.
    All you need is onion juice. Take out onion juice and apply it on your hair roots. Then cover it with a cap for a few hours and then shampoo your hair. Your hair fall will stop. She did it only once and it stopped completely. I am going to try it this Saturday and then will post the result.
  2. wallet

    walletActive Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I never heard about the onion juice helping in this issue. I do know for sure because I have used it as well that the garlic is very good for stopping the hair to fall and make it grow fast and healthy. Check information about this and you will see that I'm right.
  3. nangk08

    nangk08Active Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I have heard about onion juice as a remedy to stop hair loss and they also claim that it helps make hair roots more stronger. But I can never imagine using it on my hair because of the smell. The onions also cause my eyes to water a lot. Instead, my own remedy to reduce hair fall is to boil a small potato, cool it. Peel the potato and smash it well, mix it in the water it was boiled in and apply the paste all over my scalp and hair all over. Leave it for an hour or two and then rinse off. Believe me, it works really well.
  4. Alexandoy

    AlexandoyWell-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    I had falling hair when I was a young adult. It was embarrassing when I was new in the office and my colleagues would always notice the few strands of hair on my table. One colleague advised me of the coconut oil. After washing my hair with shampoo, I would dry it before applying coconut oil on the scalp. Take note, on the scalp and not on the hair. Let it stay on the scalp overnight. After a week of doing that, there was no more trace of hair on my pillow. Until now, I apply coconut oil on my scalp once in a while. And for best results, use a hair dryer to warm the scalp after applying oil so it will penetrate to the scalp.
  5. TheOtherSide

    TheOtherSideActive Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    I never knew onions and garlic works better to reduce hairfall. @anupamas2@anupamas2 You said your aunt only tried it once, then how sure are you that it really works well? Maybe it worked or maybe not. I heard sulfur is good for hair and onions as well as garlic and potato has sulfur content, so maybe it's true.
  6. Paige J

    Paige JNew Member

    Aug 23, 2017
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    I've heard of coconut oil helping in some cases with this, but depending on your skin type, it could further clog your pores and would not help much with new growth. Something that helped me a lot after experiencing hairfall from over-coloring, was hot oil treatments, as well as drinking a lot of water and increasing my protein intake. Overall the most affective methods will come about with internal health. It may take up to three to six months to see a major difference with any of these methods though. The key is persistence with one set routine.

    A typical day for my diet consisted of the following:

    Breakfast -A protein shake with 1 frozen banana, about 1/2 cup of almond milk, 1 scoop of vegan protein powder, a tbsp. or two of peanut butter and a tsp. of cocoa powder. As well as a protein bar with low sugar and high fiber.

    Lunch / Dinner - a large piece of protein (chicken, fish, tofu, beans, nuts) with a ton of leafy greens. Leafy greens are great for hair growth because they contain a lot of Vitamin B. I also love quinoa because it's a great source of whole grains and protein, and is compatible with a gluten free diet. Try to avoid refined sugars and caffeine as much as possible, and also try to cut back on cigarettes if you are a smoker. These are all things that inhibit hair growth.

    I also had success with taking MaxiHair vitamins every day, and I mean literally every day. If you skip a day then you most likely won't see as good of results. These take about 3 months to see a major difference.

    Then I would do a hot oil treatment on my scalp 2 to 3 times a week using equal parts castor oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil. I also added 20 drops total of essential oils. Some of the ones I like to use are basil, tea tree, lavender, lemongrass, and rosemary. Then you heat the oil by bringing about 2 inches of water to a boil in a small pot. Then once the water starts boiling, take it off the flame. With the oil in a glass container, put the container in the water for about 5 to 7 minutes when the oil is warm to the touch. Fully saturate the scalp with the oil and give yourself a 5 to 10 minute scalp massage. Then I placed a shower cap on your head and then a towel wrapped over the cap for about 30 minutes to an hour. The cap and towel will lock in the heat coming off of your head to further heat the oil. It will feel very itchy and the reasoning for that is that the castor oil is pulling the toxins from your pores and ultimately opening up new follicles for hair growth. Then once you are ready to wash it out it may take a couple washes to fully clean all of the oil out. Your hair will start looking more and more voluminous in about two days after the treatment. You'll also start noticing new baby hairs forming.

    I hope this helps!
  7. luri

    luriActive Member

    May 7, 2017
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    I havealso heard about controling hair faall with onon juice. However, i am yet to try this. I have used ginger juice and it really helps. By the way, have you tried ginger for your hair?
  8. tallulah

    tallulahActive Member

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Onion juice or garlic on my hair? No thank you! The smell is awful:) Even when you wash thoroughly, there will be that lingering smell that it was there. I have also heard using raw eggs as a treatment. You rub into your hair and leave it for some hours under a shower cap. Wow. There are many alternatives to these methods that do not have to smell. Someone mentioned coconot oil. I think this is a great idea for hair fall out, the best I heard so far