Which paint do you use? I am familiar with different brands of paints and have discovered that its more of an art than a science. Some of the paints in the markets are grossly overpriced. I have discovered several formulas which a person can make own paint. For a cheap undercoat, mixing slaked lime with spoilt fermented milk will make an excellent water paint which can be applied on stone buildings. Add some vinegar as a preservative. Which paints do you use or do you have a homemade formulation you would like to review for us?
I had never realized that slaked lime and fermented milk can create a paint. Actually, I have never tried to make my own paint. I buy local brand paints from the market. I think I will try your formula. By the way, I want to ask you a question. If you apply this home made pain on your outer walls and it rains, will the pain remain on the wall or it will be washed.
If you have mixed with am adequate amount of sour milk, the paint would not be affected by the rains. Mixing is done to a consistency like that of a light paste so that the paint sticks and does not drip excessively. It should also be done when its sunny since the rains can wash it off before it dries. Before painting, its good to agitate it in ordar to mix it thoroughly.