Hey guys! Here's the thing: I spend a lot of time at the gym. When you train as often as I do, and have to deal with locker rooms, sweaty kimonos, sweaty mats, etc, etc, etc, you are destined to pick something up at some point. This is not me bragging about how often I go to the gym. Go talk to people who do BJJ on a regular, and you'll see what I mean. From time to time the damn fungus will get me. I am at peace with this. What I'm wondering is what are some ways to get rid of it without buying expensive creams. Thanks for the help in advance everybody!
Try to soak your feet in bleach, this article teaches you how, along with other tips on how to get rid of athletes foot:Log In
I've heard that garlic can help. In addition to eating more garlic to your diet, crush some garlic and place it between your toes. I don't know how well it works but those who've used it say it works and I believe them but they say say it can take a while to get the job done.
My son had athlete's foot a few times. I did a little internet research and found that tea tree oil has both antifungal and antibacterial properties. So twice a day my son would wash his feet and then apply tea tree oil on his feet, put socks on and in a few days it was completely gone. I would recommend keeping tea tree oil in your medicine cabinet. It works great on cuts and scrapes. It takes the itch out of mosquito bites and soothes sunburns. I highly recommend it. It's one product that can do many things. It'll save you money from having to buy so many different ointments and creams.
Have you tried using baking soda and starch? You just apply it to your feet before you wear your socks. This can absorb the moisture from sweat and help prevent the fungus from developing. Another preventive method would be using white and cotton socks. Those trendy colourful and synthetic socks don't absorb moisture as much. You're better off using white and cotton socks that can absorb the sweat and prevent the fungus from developing as well. Another suggestion would be for you to wear slippers every time you go to lockers or public bathrooms. This can prevent the fungus from getting to your feet. Make sure your nails are short and clean as well. Now, for some natural treatments to athlete's foot, try putting two teaspoons of salt to warm water. Soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes and repeat this until it heals. You can also buy some plain yogurt and dab it to the affected areas. The anti-fungal properties of yogurt can help with treating the fungus. You can also buy calendula cream at health stores. We use this for my son's bites and wounds but this can also have healing properties for people with athlete's foot. I hope this helps!
Always wear socks for one thing. And purchase some tea tree oil. It is an antifungal and put some in water then soak your feet in it until your feet are better. After that, do it twice a week for preventative measures.
There a few herbs you can use at the cost of a canned drink. Crushed garlic in some boiling water is excellent for athletes foot when applied to the affected area, (just make sure that you do not host any guests when you apply this method because the smell is not so good even though the method is very effective). Ginger is another healer so is lemon grass and they too are very cheap and natural to the human body.
If there's one thing I'm grateful for, it's that I've never been cursed with Athlete's Foot. I hear it can be a nightmare to get rid of, so I really hope some of these tips will come in handy. I think I read somewhere that even Apple Cider Vinegar can help, although you'd have to double check that one and how you need to administer it.
I have had a lot of success with tea tree oil. I will also soak my feet in black tea for around 45 minutes at the recommendation of a podiatrist. Be sure to wear cotton socks if you deal with this issue often, as synthetic socks tend to trap in heat and moisture, creating a breeding ground for fungi.
IIf you want a good method to use I would recommend you don't use anything. Stop wearing socks so often, when you walk around the house, take the socks off. I know that people always rely on cream, powders for their feet but you don't really need that stuff just like you don't need protein drinks and powders. Sometimes people get sweaty feet, you need to wear materials that will let your feet breathe. Your body rejuvenates itself, you don't need many processed products to do what your body already does. Just let your body breathe.