I love giving gifts, usually I do homemade but this year I am super busy and decided to do family boxes. I have three families (in my family) that I am buying for and keeping each box value about 20-25 dollars. In these boxes I put homemade cookies, hot coco, a board game, coloring books, books...etc. Just a box with fun things in it. The ones that do not have children get a big tub of cookies and maybe a small gift (like a mug with coco). What do you do to save money of gifts for others?
I am presently in a quandary on how to stretch my budget because according to my list, my money is not enough. For a remedy, I have to deviate from the traditional Christmas gifts like clothes and footwear which are expensive. For my doctor, I plan to give him a neatly-packed cashew nuts, the special kind. For my former colleagues in the office, it can be a bottle of wine, which is on sale now, or the usual fruit cake which are also on sale. My advantage is to make the packing cute and not ordinary.
I like your family box idea. I also like @Alexandoy suggestion of making the packaging cute and unique. The presentation can make the gift even nicer, and if you can use things you already have, it's also a good way to save money. I sometimes set up baskets and just place things in each one from time to time, as I find something cute on sale. If I start early enough, I have a nice gift basket by the time I need it, without spending too much. It also helps to break up the spending instead of having to buy everything at once. For many people, piles of presents is a thing of the past. We can't afford that kind of gift giving, so singular gifts are more popular. Sometimes, the single gift (something nice) is just the better way to go. It helps save on wrapping as well.
Last night we were done with the packing but the items were changed. We also used cheap woven baskets that we wrapped in colored cellophane with a touch of ribbon. And the contents? Some classy cookies with a pack of chocolates and an imported cheese. That’s a pretty good gift.
Actually I have already done that. I contacted a local gift seller who offered me bulk prices for personalized gifts. I have ordered 50 sets of the same item for my friends with their names printed on item as well on the gift pack. I have saved almost 12% money I would have spent otherwise.
What I do is purchase and gift what the person I'm gifting to actually needs. Even if my gift costs about 5 dollars, if they need it, they'll like it. I once gifted someone a portable 10-dollar stove and he was very happy because I knew they were going camping later in the week and he wanted to cook. I find that people don't mind the price if they NEED the item.
We generally gift domestic items to our friends like Bone China or cutlery which makes a good gift besides used by most household in general. Last time we went for Milton's water flasks which was much appreciated by each and every friend.
I also happen to buy items that are on discount. This can be way before holidays too. I buy when stuffs are cheaper so that at the time of gifting I don't have to get worried. For kids I have bought colourful snacks boxes with cute little spoons, forks and glasses. For adults there are different things mostly clothes which I got at a very reasonable prices online. I would add a small toffee shaped wrapper with goodies in it for kids, which I bought in bulk at a wholesale store. So, that helped save a lot.
I do my Christmas shopping throughout the entire year. I like to collect discounted items, when ever I see an item I know someone will like I take advantage and grab it. Once I have everything I need I like to make gift baskets with them so I purchase cheap baskets at the dollar store. I add a few of the items for each person and add some treats then wrap them in clear platic tied up with a nice ribbon.
@kamai I am glad you do it throughout the year and save money by buying as and when you see the opportunity but you will be surprised to note that being from a country with more than 10 such festivals when we have to exchange gifts and some of the occasions are where men are only suppose to give to their sisters so we are on our legs constantly either buying gifts or saving money to pay them in cash. (I will quote few such festivals which you can search in Google- Rakhi, Bhaidooj and Deshahara)
Wow! I did not know of such holidays to be honest and seems very tough to keep up with I don't think I would be able to handle that. The only holidays or events I would celebrate and give out gifts for are birthdays, kids day, and Christmas. I feel lucky to have some time to collect items for gifts.
I personally like to find things around the use. Polish them. Make them shiny and appear as new. Wrap them with free gift wrap which is practically everywhere this time of year. Make a card. Make it special. Send it away, with the very best wishes you can possibly give this year....
These special occasions like birthday, marriages (which cost us a lot) baby shower gifts and so many other occasions which would be beyond most of the societies' wildest imaginations are also there when we are suppose to spend lot of money. You know we sometimes feel that "We are a festivals and gift oriented country" you will be surprised to note that an average government employee gets close to 150 holidays every year including weekends besides casual, sick leave and other emergency leaves but we private employees get only 110 or so in all.
You can always give them 2nd hand gifts. For instance, one year I gave a bunch of my family extra classical guitar method books. The books were in good shape, so they probably didn't know the difference. Note, another thing you can do is simply buy cheaper stuff like 5 dollar CDs or something. Finally, the worst thing you can do is sign them up for an email club where they would get a free meal. Well, it's not a terrible idea, but it seems to be the result of desperation.
I have never tried second hand gifts so far and I am not very sure that people would appreciate in my community unless of course the gifts offered are my car or two wheeler however I can consider some of my old engineering and management books as Birthday gifts to my younger relatives.