I will be the first to admit that I am terrible at haggling. I get far too nervous to argue with sellers about their prices. My mother, on the other hand, I don't has ever paid full price for something in her life! Or if she does, she usually gets something extra thrown in for free as well. So are you any good at haggling? What's the best deal you've managed to talk someone down to?
I depends where. At a market pretty good, in shops much less so. I've seen people do it before though so I know it can be done. I order so much online now though that I don't really get the opportunity to haggle, which I think is the same for many people.
I wouldn't say I'm that great at haggling but when I can I always make an attempt to get the prices slashed a little. It all depends on what I'm buying and from whom I buying it from. Sometimes I choose not to haggle at all because I know the price range of the items I'm buying and if they're within that "price-range" they'd be no point in bargaining.
Good point about ordering things online. I mean don't get me wrong, I love online shopping - in terms of range, options, convenience etc. it's got a lot going for it. But you do lose the face-to-face aspect of buying things and trying to get a better deal that way.
I'm good enough but you know, it makes me feel guilty to request that a price be brought down if the seller looks like she needs the money so badly. I can't very well make them feel so disadvantaged. Because my conscience pricks me often, I minimize haggling with sellers unless I encounter an item that's priced unreasonably.
I am shy when it come to this subject and feel bad as though I am trying to rip someone with my low offer. I prefer to deal with the price tag system. However, when it comes down to it, I could try to get what I think the subject is worth or value.
I'm not, because, well, I don't like to do it. The items are priced so that the shop keeper and the workers get a fair pay, and trying to haggle them down may literally mean taking from they paid just because I'm feeling like I don't need to pay the price everyone else does.
The worst. I really don't have the patience for it... As a costumer, I don't think I've ever tried to haggle a price. Only on flea markets and stuff... And even there, I just can't be bothered. Either I take the deal, or I don't. As a seller, I've sold stuff online and had to haggle, but that was just me countering the buyer's haggle. It's just not in my DNA...
I don't like to haggle so I am not good at it. I will have a price in my mind what the item is worth to me and I am willing to let the person know if I am willing to pay their price if it is to high. If they are not open to taking it then I move on.
I seriously LOVE negotiating ! ! I guess you could even say that I am addicted to it. Even when the price is a good price, I always have to ask if they will take less. Many times, people will put a higher price on an item just so they can negotiate and still get the price they wanted for the item; so when you don't offer for a lower price, you are usually missing out on a bargain. I am all about bargains. Of course, it doesn't work everywhere, obviously, you can't just walk into the grocery store and offer them less money for a can of beans. However, if you find something that is out of the "use by date" , then you can ask them of they will mark it down for you, and often they will do that rather than throw it away.
I also don't haggle when I'm in the mall, but I did try to haggle once to this person who was selling his stuff online and he agreed. I guess some people who really want to dispose of their items will give in to you most of the time.
I am only good in environments I am familiar with. For example, the last town we came from we had lived there for over 5 years so I practically knew all the sellers in the market and they knew me and it is customary to haggle, so it was very easy for me. However, in this new area where we have recently moved, although it is customary for locals to haggle, this town is filled with foreigners and tourists (we have two homes and are currently in the one abroad). I am finding it very difficult to haggle. They look at me like I'm crazy! The best haggle experience I have had is trading things for items I couldn't afford. My husband did this once in Zimbabwe, he wanted a carved Hippo, didn't have enough cash, couldn't haggle down for the amount he had so asked, 'If I throw in my T-shirt will that even us up?' and they said, 'Yes!' Its a great picture because everyone in the market is laughing and he is walking away shirtless with his hippo under his arm! That hippo has visited many different countries now and will never leave our side.
I love haggling, but in a nice and amicable way. My technique is to inspect everything carefully without saying much, and in most cases the seller will start going down with the price immediately. So, if I am really interested in an item or service, I just ask a lot of questions and then look pensive. That always creates excitement and tension in sellers, and I usually get a more than fair deal in the end.
I'm also not very good at haggling. So if I wanted to buy something that I really like and when I'm on a budget - I take my younger sister with me and let her do the haggling. Otherwise, I just pay whatever price that I was told - If I find the price very unreasonable. If not, I would just go to another store instead of bargaining for a lower price.
I'm terrible at haggling lol I've often heard you should never ever pay the full price without at least trying to get something off, no matter how small. For me it gets embarrassing, almost like I'm asking for charity. But people who do it, do it with flair! I wish I could do it.
I'm not that good at haggling either. Usually I'd get a bit too embarrassed to ask for too low of a price and it just makes me feel a bit uncomfortable altogether, but if I'm buying many things it can be fun since if I'm buying a lot then I'm more confident in being able to ask for at least a bit of a discount for buying so much. Otherwise I usually just try to lower the price down a bit and be done with it.
I'm not as good as I'd like to be but having spent time in Asia I'm certainly better than I was. In many parts of Asia, haggling is part of the sales process (at least when you're not in big department stores). It's often expected and as long as it's done in a friendly way no offence is taken.
What a great story! That hippo will always be memorable. Very cool. I see nothing wrong with haggling. My husband is the one who usually does it on the big ticket items, yet otherwise, he's normally shy. Haggling doesn't bother him though, if it means getting the best deal. It doesn't hurt to ask. The seller is free to say no or even to counter offer, so you're not taking anything away from him or her. They're not going to sell at a loss, just to sell you an item. At least they won't unless you are also buying something really expensive too or several other items too. Often, you an get a discount easily if you are spending quite a bit. I don't really get why people feel so bad about it. Stuff is marked up for a reason. There is usually some wiggle room, and if not, they are free to decline like I said.
I suck at haggling. The only times I even ask for a different price are places that advertise that they meet competitor's pricing and at the flea market. Even at the flea market, I usually just kinda shrug and "meh" at someone if I think the price is too high and start to wander away. Many of them eagerly lower their price just to keep me there, which is nice.
I think that haggling over prices is either something you enjoy or something that you do not enjoy. Neither viewpoint is good or bad, it is just one of the ways that people are different. I think that if you are not comfortable bartering about prices, then just look for something that has already been priced to an amount that you want to pay for it. E-Bay is a great example for this. Not only can you bid on an item (and stop bidding when it reaches your limit) you alo have the "buy it now" items that are pre-priced, and you can just decide of you want the item for the asking price or not.