If you go to the office, then quantity is more valued than quality, so it would be best to also go to thrift shops to look around for decent-looking clothes to save some money. But if you don't need to go to school or work, then you can make your clothes last for as long as it looks presentable. My dad is 71, and he still uses his office clothes until now when he goes out, since there is no more pressure to replace them regularly anymore.
For me, this is a totally subjective matter because the durability of the clothes will be dependent on the care that each person will have with them. If you are a careful person, the clothes will always last longer... Otherwise, they will last less. In my case, I'm the careful type.
I usually buy clothes 2 to 3 times a year. While going to college my dresses will fade off soon as I will be in sun for the most of the time in my college for field work. At that time I usually purchase clothes every two to three months. So if you buy some good quality clothes you will not have to shop often and it will last longer. Also, don't make the clothes to dry in the sun and become stiff. Colours will go off soon and sometimes the clothes will easily tear off too.