I think you misread the post... the error message is when I am accessing files when I am already logged in. I know how to log in! It happens on certain files and even my own when I want to edit them. As for accessing my gmail accounts, yes I do know I can sign in to multiple ones, but you are limited to 10 and then you have to sign out if you want to access another one and sign them all back in. @sidney Google Drive is useful if you have nothing else, as for emails missing, sometimes I can't find some too, but I may have deleted them in a bulk search with a keyword by accident. I guess I should try to file things. Instead I leave them there now!
At least once a month for the whole computer and once a week for My Documents. Also, for files that I use regularly, I try to save a copy of them on the Cloud or USB drive each time I update them. I have had bad experiences with losing data that I failed to back up and I do not want the same thing to happen again. Some people call me paranoid, though.
@Theo, Since Gmail randomly deleted some of my emails, the same might happen if I use Google Drive! I'd try Dropbox or Skydrive instead.
I have some stuff in dropbox, I need to get more storage on dropbox, I also have some on the google drive but backing up the computer is something I need to do since I know mine is going to crash one last time and leave me screaming, it is already past time to replace it.
I sent you my dropbox link. Each time you refer someone you get free extra storage. I have about 4 accounts, so you can log in remotely and you can add a different one if you wish to phones or tablets. That way you get more storage, also if you link your devices so either way you can get extra for free.
I actually don't backup my laptop. The reason being that I don't keep anything important on it. I have Google Docs and I just put all my documents there. It helps because you never know what might happen to your laptop. I recently had to clean out my whole laptop because Staples erased everything on it to clean it out. It helped, but now I'm worried about getting a virus again, so I don't want to keep something important on my laptop. The last thing that I would want is to lose all the important things that I had on my laptop.
Quite often, to be honest, and when I do it I make sure it's on trusted cloud services, like Google's, for example. I don't trust my files into anyone's hands. But who cares after all? If you were to lose your files tomorrow due to a worm virus or something similar, I pretty much doubt you would care about it being stored somewhere unsafe, haha. You'd just want to find those files somewhere relatively safe.