My hair is one of the areas of my body that I really pay much attention to. I usually want to change my hairstyle at least every 3 months so I would visit my favorite salon and have my favorite hairstylist work on my hair. It's just one way for me to feel more confident about myself and have a sense of a fresher, newer me. My husband and our kid on the other hand visit their barber almost every month to have their hair trimmed down. They have their hair cut at the same time so they also go for trims at the same time too. How about you? How often do you visit your salon and what are the services you usually ask to be done for you there?
About 6 years ago I moved into an apartment owned by an Italian barber. I started getting free cuts from him, and it changed me in two ways. First off he did the straight razor in the back, true barber style and it's something else. No salon can cut it. Second I noticed how much I was paying to go to a salon twice a month. Well I moved on from that place. Now i actually buzz my own hair and have my girl line me up in the back weekly to save money and look professional. BUT I splurge a few times a year on a proper cut and shave from a barber.
I'm like your husband for I go to get a trim every month usually. Now we save money and I cut my Mom's hair and I've a vacuum cleaner attachment Flowbee to cut my hair. We save a lot of money this way I cutting my Mom;s hair and I my own hair once a month.
I used to go to the salon once in a blue moon because I had my hair long. But when I started dyeing my hair so the white strands will be black again, I had my hair cut short. And since the dye wouldn't last for a month, I go back to the salon every 3 weeks or so. Add to that the trimming of my ingrown nails that sometimes when it hurts, I would go to the salon just for that. By the way, there is a new service in the salon called foot spa. I also avail of that.
Ha, salons, how I miss them! To be honest, going to the salon happens very rarely for me ever since I gave birth. Just because my son is super clingy and so I'm enjoying this moment because I know it won't last, lol. I just got a haircut last month and that hairdresser murdered my hair. I'm never going back to her.:/ I'm in need of a proper mani-pedi but can't seem to get it as well because my son screams like no tomorrow whenever someone is cutting my hair. What more when someone is giving me a mani-pedi? Lol.
I visit the salon usually two or three times per year. While I try my best to look nice, I try to take care of my hair as much as I can on my own in order to save money. Going to the salon can be quite costly. I usually get a hair cut and have my eyebrows waxed and reshaped when I go. I do a pretty good job keeping the shape of my eyebrows by plucking them on my own, but sometimes it's nice to have someone else do it when they start to get out of control. As a mom, my hair gets pulled by my little one, so my go-to hairstyle is my hair up in a bun. Maybe when my little guy gets a little older I will be able to style my hair in other ways, but for now, functionality and staying frugal are key.
As my hair is shoulder length and fairly easy to cut - although I did used to go to a salon a couple of times a year - I rarely, if ever do these days - as I now always cut my hair myself - fortunately without any mishaps. Speaking of which - I think it safe to say - that I've had more mishaps going to a hairdressing salon than I have from cutting it myself - in fact my husband tells me - that my hair looks way, way better when I cut it myself than it does if I go to a hairdresser. Which is a good thing - as I really don't find going to the hairdresser a pleasant experience - particularly as I've found that however much I pay and however good it looks when I leave - the end result is always the same - its generally been butchered and therefore - as it normally either had bits missing that I didn't want missing or was so noticeably uneven - that I had no option but to get the scissors out in order to improve how it looked - I find it much more cost effective to do it myself.
I used to rock the man bun so going to salons are not my thing but ever since I cut my hair short and started to use a faded style, I'm going to the salon twice a month to maintain my fades. I also have a very wavy hair so I always need to get it maintained or else it become unmanageable and I end up looking like the pokemon Tangela. lol
I have to say I envy you because I've been wanting to cut my own hair too but I'm just so afraid I might end up ruining it. I've watched some how-to videos on you tube before but haven't really tried doing them myself. I do the hair coloring myself though because there are many do-it-yourself hair coloring products out there.
I used to have one salon that I used to go to, but the prices were not good. Too expensive. On top of that, I do not like the atmosphere of salon's. They are often so busy. It is a lot going on, and I just like to be able to relax and enjoy the experience. But in recent years I have been going to one of the hairdressers who used to work at this salon. I go to her house and she does my hair for better prices.
I get what you mean. Sometimes Salons could get too crowded, especially the popular ones. One of the factors I also consider is my satisfaction with the service a hairdresser does for my hair. I also have one specific hairdresser that I really like and I would usually look for her whenever I go to the salon to have my hair done. She knows what I like when it comes to my hair so I'm always satisfied with how she works on it.
Me too. When I did used to go to the salon, I used to have one hairdresser who I always preferred to be doing my hair. But that did not mean that they were always free to do it, and so other times I would have to endure another hairdresser. You perhaps should ask your favorite hairdresser if she does hair out of the salon. They cannot charge you salon prices either, because with getting your hair done at someone's home , the salon equipment and convenience is not there.
I used to spend too much time visiting the salon in the past, but as I have been growing old, my visits to the salon are much in the way @Corzhens says; once in a blue moon. But don't get me wrong, it's not about aging what makes me feel that is not necessary to go over there every week like in the past, but the lack of time to do it. Every visit to the salon involves more than an hour and many times two and, believe it or not, I don't have the time for it. I go when I need to trim down my hair, and I'm wearing a short hairstyle that requires not much salon care. Aside of this, I dye my hair at home, what allows me to keep working while ready.
You remind me of the olden days when I would spend some more hours in the salon in chatting with the owner and the beauticians. I would get news about almost all the neighbors, hahahaaah. When I had nothing to do, I would be at the salon to have my nails cleaned. And like what you said, I don't have much time to spare so I seldom go to the salon anymore.
So true! There was a time when I used to find myself engaged in such chit-chatting time, learning what my neighbors were doing, to whom they were dating ,why they ate last night, and so on Besides having to devote time to beautify ourselves, it was kind of a "living social network" with fresh and juicy gossip while we used to spend time in there
I normally go to the hair salon around twice per year, since I only want to trim my hair. But now I trim my hair myself, and I get to save money just by doing that.
I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to hair, I will go to a hairdresser once every 4 or 5 months for a haircut or a trim, and once a year to have a deep hydration process which makes it softer and straighter. Aside from that, I really dislike hair salons! A lot of gossip and high prices for very little done.
I usually go three times a year. I get my hair cut about shoulder length and then let it grow for about 4 months and then cut it again. I trim my own bangs, although my hair dresser says I can come in for a free bang trim anytime. I just do it myself. I wish I could cut my own hair. I find it very expensive to get a hair cut. By the time I walk out it costs me over $60. I once tried to trim my husband's hair, thinking how hard could it be. I made a mess of his hair and he had to get it cut the next day. Lesson learned.
Ha! You're very lucky to have a husband who entrusted his hair on to you. My husband is very particular about his hair and only goes to this one barber shop to get his haircut done. It costs quite on the higher side but I admit, they do cut his hair quite nicely. They always trim it perfectly and he always looks so polished after getting out of the salon. I do think salon in malls can be quite expensive. I cannot even let them color my hair because it's just so darn expensive. Whenever I visit the salon, it's only for a haircut. I don't even go to different ones or try new ones simply because they butcher my hair. I go to a trusted one so that I can get my desired cut. I watched this one tutorial where she cut her hair in layers. It's in YouTube, I forgot her name though. I admit, she cut it quite nicely as well. I guess you can watch such tutorials to learn to cut your hair by yourself.
I also tried watching videos on how to cut your own hair on YouTube because I wanted to learn how to do my bangs. I find the tutorial videos quiet helpful and informative. I have quiet a big forehead so having bangs on the side helps me hide it somehow.