What are the standards in which to decide if a website is trustworthy? What are the foundational values a website is posing to project? Any whatnot ideas? I think it's justifiably uncomplicated to make an opinion-- constructive opinion about it and promote its safety-Ness, nonthreatening interface browse-able for all ages. Young ones sitting on a WAHM mom's lap while she types a forum post that she has to write it down before in the next few seconds she forgets why she's at her computer, and then, tend to her children. Here on a sunny day, while children are at noon break from homeschool; the last sentence cannot wait; a child sits on momma's lap; looks at the pictures on this site. What does she see? Apprehensions about this site being viewed by children never occurs to me. I'm happy that Don'tPayFull.com is created as a safe community of people interacting and helping with practical tips to save money. Keep up the good work!