How to Lower Student Car Insurance Rates

Discussion in Auto Insurance started by Daddy • May 7, 2012.

  1. Daddy

    DaddyNew Member

    May 7, 2012
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    Student car insurance rates are usually high for various reasons. Yet you would find it heartening to know that you can save some money on student car insurance rates. As a student although it is true that your car insurance rate is on the high, yet by following a few steps you can lower the rate much to your delight and satisfaction. One of the best methods to lower student car insurance rates is to have a thorough discussion with an experienced agent attached to the most sought after car insurance company online. The agent would be available round the clock at your service. He can be contacted either by phone or by email. You would be extremely happy at the impeccable service offered by the best car insurance company when it comes to providing you with the best car insurance coverage.

    You might wonder why as a student you have to pay more money on car insurance. The reasons are quite a few. One of the main reasons cited by the car insurance companies is that you may lack the experience that is needed to drive a luxurious car or a sports car for that matter. Hence the chances of getting into accidents are more if you are a student. This is the primary reason why car insurance companies tend to quote on the higher side in the case of students. Another reason why students’ car insurance rates are high is the fallible driving habits they might have much to their disadvantage. As a student you tend to drive your favorite car fast and tend to speed it across the roads much to your joy and entertainment. At the end of the day you might end up crashing against a tree or another car!

    You would be amazed to know that you can lower your students’ car insurance rates by showing to the car insurance company that you do have good driving habits and a good driving record too. You can cut down on your car insurance rates by showing to the company that you live in an area that is not prone to accidents and vandalism and that you possess a safe car!

    Do you have any other suggestions to lower student car insurance rates?
  2. dcprechtl

    dcprechtlNew Member

    May 2, 2012
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    I wish it was that simple. I have two student drivers and we have both good student discounts on them and one for living more than 100 miles from our house and the car.Yet we still pay a good amount for insurance 228.00 a month when if they were not on our insurance we would be paying only 80.00 per month
  3. GrandmaHugme


    Apr 20, 2012
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    One of the ways we lowered the student car insurance coverage was making sure my son attended a Driving Class given by the county government. Of course, living in a county that had a lower population also helped as it reduced the chance of an accident.

    The type of car makes a difference also, so he drove only a small pickup truck which didn't have much "get up and go" for racing or fast starts from a red light gone green. I think insurance companies look at all these factors as well as how long the student has been licensed. Getting his driving permit at 16 years old helped. When he passed his drivers test at 18 years old, the insurance rate was lower than expected - although higher than what we would have liked.
  4. dissn_it

    dissn_itActive Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Some insurance companies will give a student a discount for good grades! Also make sure you are getting a multi car discount if possible. Ask your agent about how they are listing the drivers to the different cars. Some companies will try to rate and quote the most expensive driver on the most expensive car. This is usually not disclosed unless you ask about it! You should be able to change it to the real dirver/car scenarios that you will actually have in real life.
  5. zeus02


    May 1, 2012
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    try to search Top Gear on youtube they actusally found a way to get a good insuranc efor cars, I just cant seem to remember it right now. sorry.
  6. Vadim

    VadimNew Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    There's some really good tips here. As a 20 year old student, I think this will come in very helpful for me. The painful thing right now, is for the current car I have - the insurance would be over £4000! I'm gonna use some of these tips to see if I can reduce that considerably before I get on the road.
  7. Traveller


    Feb 3, 2013
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    Some insurances will have lower rates if the car is classified as a sedan, with ABS and vehicle stability assistance (VSA) on it or with engine size being less than a V6. If the car has air-bags and other safety features then that will help lower the rate. Insurances will sometimes give lower rates for teens who are good students and have a higher GPA and have attended safe driving classes.