A lot of well known products have fake counterparts nowadays. What's worse is that some sellers sell them the same price as the original stuff. As a buyer, I know that we tend to be very vulnerable on these kind of problem since fake ones don't really pass quality tests and could harm us. What do you guys think is the best way to make sure that you're not buying these kind of stuff especially on online shops.
It has become increasingly difficult to identify counterfeit stuff because the makers are able to present knock-offs in a manner that you would be easily convinced that they are the real deal. Probably the best way to avoid been ripped off is to purchase the items from the designated authentic sources.
There are limited actions to take in order to determine the authenticity of a product, buy only from trusted stores and always check reviews.
I always check for the approval mark on the package of the product. For example in my place, products that have KEBS symbol on that package indicates that they have gone through necessary authorities before reaching the market.
I cannot trust the home shopping tv now because one of their products is authentically fake. Check Gloxi, a supplement that can make you grow in height up to so many inches. Would you believe the testimonies they show on tv that a guy 30 years old still achieved a height increase of 9 inches? That is stupid. And because of that product that they sell, I have lost trust in the company.
My suggestion is simply read the comments and reviews left by other sellers. Do a bit of research around the website as well as the product you plan on buying. I would also suggest just try buying your items from more well known internet businesses such as Amazon and Ebay, just to be a bit more safe.
There are government bureaus and agencies which are actually compelled to do this task of making sure that all products and items circulating within it's territory are legit and safe for public consumption. In my country, the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) is the one tasked to do this job by issuing an ICC (Import Commodity Clearance) to every products that enters the Philippine territory.
I just feel safe buying some things at their original sales locations. Any unauthorized / unfamiliar spot leaves me with a flea behind my ear and because of this I end up not buying.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine fake products these days. The best thing to do is to purchase from trusted sources and also look out for stamps. In my country, we have two agencies that work hand in hand to combat the incidence of fake product. They usually have their stamps on products that have been inspected. That is not a sure way but it helps to a large extent. Some products like cosmetics also have a code number that you can dial to determine their authenticity. We just need to be very cautious.
Well it has definitely become far more difficult to determine the authenticity of a product, but your best option is to buy from trusted sellers.
Yeah! especially in case of electronics and cosmetics I always check their authenticity first because a low quality or fake product can harm you substantially. I generally go through the online reviews of the product on Amazon and eBay but when I got to know that some of these stores pay for giving fake reviews on their sites I started looking on forums like this where I generally get good and genuine reviews of the product. You can also read reviews on "Reviewstream", there you can find in depth review of any product including photos and videos of its usage given by actual users of the product.
I think that the first thing or measure which you can employ in ensuring that you buy authentic products is buying mostly in trusted shopping malls and not street or sidewalk sellers. There is every tendency that these sidewalk seller will mixed up both authentic and fake products, selling both at the same price. Also check out the brand logo, most authentic products brand logos are quite different from the fake ones if you take a proper look at them, and also you can call the customer service of the product company to determine if the product number is among ones produced by them.
Buying from trusted sellers, retailers and official websites will save you the trouble of trying to determine whether the product is fake or not.
Experience is the best teacher they say. I have gone through buying fake products but have learnt my lesson. There is no other way atleast with the new products that they advertise. One can search for these items online and read reviews before buying them.
My first line of defense is to buy only from authorized dealers or to buy straight from the website of the company making/marketing the brand. This takes a bit of research but it's' worth it. I would look for the word "authorized dealer" as this conveys a continuing legal relationship with the product's maker. I will also take time to verify the reputation of the dealer. Chain stores with locations in different malls across the countries tend to be more stable and are less likely to be involved in shady transactions. For appliances, I only buy them from reputable chain stores or well-known department stores specializing in selling appliances.
This is a big problem when I buy an item. But before I buy a product or item from a specific store, I always make sure that the reviews are good and legit. That's my way of checking the authencity of a product from a store.