houzz.com Their selection is never-ending, I was just browsing and these are some of the most beautiful ornaments I've ever seen. Many, many themes, like weight-lifting, sports, hobbies. Great Christmas gifts! Log In
Not yet! Still a bit early, but I do have my eye on that cute weight-lifting (weight bench) ornament that I know my brother would have loved. I still feel like getting it for him. And then the snowflake crystal ornaments are just too pretty, I might end up getting a few of them as well. This is the first year I have an isolated room that I can put up a Christmas tree (without my cats knocking the whole thing down.) That's why I've been ornament-shopping. That site ^ is great.
I think is a bit early to buy it from now, and I think the time is great to start to make our own ornaments. Handmade ornaments are cheaper and look nice in a way that makes them unique. My wife with my son creates a lot of Christmas ornaments every year around this time.
Yep, that's fun too. *OR* you can check out the website and even copy some of the ideas by making them from scratch. I used to buy coconut-scented candles, but they never quite had that "suntan oil" smell that I wanted. They came pretty close, but I still like the authentic suntan oil/beach smell that can usually only be captured by actually going on vacation and sitting out in the sand. But I found a way to make my own candle that smells exactly like what I've described above, it took quite a few tries and many, many different candle oils...but I've finally captured the scent...and I make my own candles now. Same can go for Christmas ornaments. If you see one but would like to change something about it, just copy the idea and make it more your own.
I went to that site before and for me it's a bit expensive. I like Target's choices from $3 and up. So cute and good quality with no paying for shipping too. I was window shopping at their new Ala Moana Center store which is so easy to get to from the bus stop, I saw some of their cute ornaments. I am eyeing one of their Nutcracker ornament so inexpensive and looks good online. Target is going to have their Black Friday from Nov. 23-24 this year and have their info online already.
Found out something I'd like to share with you...Target's Nutcracker white and red ornaments are $5 each and flies off the rack. I got one, the white one, via buy online and pick up in store. I strolled down to the ornament section and found only 3 red Nutcrackers left 2 not so good and one almost perfect just the head is very slightly turned to it's left so it appears looking towards the left instead of straight ahead. I bought it anyway. I checked 2 wks for it and was tired of checking for it. I saw ornaments at Walmart for .94 smaller like 3" to some fancy looking ones, but it was just being stocked and they aren't online at my local walmart.com, so I guess you just have to go down and see it. Good luck. I don't go Black Friday shopping and wait for Cyber Monday. Those that live on the mainland don't have to worry about time difference of when Cyber Monday starts like we do in Hawaii. Anyway enjoy the holidays. By the way amazon has some good Cyber Monday deals too. Amazon.com is a free acct. like Walmart.com is also a free acct. They got some coupons here way at the bottom of the forum you'll see coupons and you can get some good bargains with coupons from here. Good luck!