I know, it's very unusual to read anything positive about insurance companies in general. I've certainly never been a fan of the industry. However, since insurance is a necessary evil I have to admit the company my husband and I have been with or nearly a decade, Progressive, is an excellent one. I'm a night owl and it's not unusual for me to be up paying my bills at 2 or 3 am. A few years ago I'd forgotten to pay our auto insurance bill by the due date and went instantly into panic mode. I called the toll free phone number and - SHOCK of all SHOCKS - a live person answered almost immediately and within a few short minutes everything was taken care of. It's been the same way every time we've had a need to contact them for any reason. I'd recommend Progressive to anyone in the market for auto insurance.
I used to have Liberty Mutual, and I was really happy with their customer service also. I had them for quite a few years, but then, about a year ago, they started raising their prices. Within the year's time,they had almost doubled what I paid every month for insurance; so (regretfully), I cancelled my policy with them, and now use 21st Century Insurance. Their customer service is awful; but the price is much cheaper. I have automatic withdrawal from my checking account for the payment; so I never have to worry about it being late, which is a good thing for me.
I am personally a fan of Geico. I have checked the rates of several other companies and none come close to paying what I pay at Geico so this is the company I plan to use forever. My insurance rates are lower than anyone else I know, and I want to keep them that way. I doubt I will ever switch companies. I get low rates on my homeowners as well since it is with them and get a discount for having both of them with the same provider ie geico, and travelers.