According to the findings from APA's Stress Survey 2/5 of Americans overeat or eat unhealthy foods because of stress. Overeating will be costly in the short term but eating unhealthy foods will be more expensive eventually and you'd probably have to spend a lot of money on medication. An inexpensive way to deal with stress is by talking to people. If you share your problems with others they could help you solve them or at the very least "getting it off your chest" will make you feel better. What are some other inexpensive ways to combat stress that you'd recommend?
Exercising at home is the most frugal way to combat stress and keep fit. There are books at your library to read up on yoga which is so relaxing and healthful too. Sometimes reading a good book from the library about how to stop stress is a good idea. I play games at to stop stress and try to win money to stop stress too.
Another inexpensive way to deal with stress is journaling, sometimes people can't explain how they're feeling to others, so writing may help them cope with their feelings. Sometimes just taking a walk and being in nature or just people watching can help alleviate stress.
Here's a few inexpensive ways of how I combat stress:Meditation. I find that meditation helps me release some tension and relive stress. I just find soothing music and some videos online to help or guide me through it. Watching funny series or movies. I love The Big Bang Theory, it has helped me get through sad times. I love its humour and anecdotes and most especially its characters. I love the movie Blended... I smile even just thinking about it.Going for a walk outside. Just being active and sweating and seeing nature, it can help you de-stress and relax.Cleaning. Believe it or not, cleaning helps me relax. Whenever I clean, it's like therapy and after I'm done with our house, it's the most amazing feeling for me.I hope this helps!
I think running or jogging or just exercising in general is one of the best and most helpful ways to relieve by doing this you not only clear your mind and rid your body of toxins but also at the same time you are making your chances better at a healthier future which can help you save tons in medical bills. Eating healthier is also very helpful. For easier ways that are free I think mobile games are also a great source of temporary relaxation as they are a great way to just get your mind off of things for a few minutes when necessary.
It may sound corny but one way of coping with the stressful life is to be with my dogs.As I watch tv while cuddling my pekingese on the sofa, I would feel worry-free. And another trick that I learned from my husband is to take a joy ride to divert my attention. Especially when I drive and my dogs are my passengers, there is a certain kind of feeling inside me. Maybe the mother instinct is overcoming my person such that I tend to forget what's bothering me.
Stress alone can wreak havoc on your body and mind if you don't try to relieve it. When I am super stressed, I like to go for a walk alone. Sometimes, I will just go out and sit on my back porch swing and listen to the waterfall behind my house. Another way I relieve stress is by snuggling up with my little dog and taking a nap. Pets are wonderful at helping people relax.
Funny enough, eating healthy is an inexpensive way to combat stress. It may not take away the problems, but you'll be better equipped to deal with them.The typical diet is horrible for the brain and is HUGE in feeding moods. People don't give real food enough credit.. it betters all aspects of life. Exercise/yoga, meditation, mindfulness, cutting out toxic people and situations..
I love to hang out with my cat. Petting and soothing my cat is a way for me to just relax and be in the moment. I have tried all the conventional ways to deal with stress..but just being in the moment with my favorite feline friend is something that can really make me feel comforted. It is just such a low demand thing, and it makes me happy.
These are all great ways to combat stress. Meditation is something that I wish more people would give a try, it truly does relax and center you. Also, laughter is wonderful medicine and there are so many great shows like Big Bang Theory, Blackish and many others that allow you to escape.
I wonder if anybody here has heard of the win hof method? If you want to enhance your ability to boost your energy, and an easier way to enhance your ability to decompress stress, then I would advise looking into. It is backed up by science too shocked science into reassessing facts that it thought it knew about the human body and psyche. The course does not cost too much and the things you learn are priceless.
One thing I like to do when I'm stressed is to read. I love getting lost in a story, it takes my mind off whatever I'm stressed about. I will sometimes combine this with a nice bubble bath that is nicely scented. I will light candles and drop a little lavender oil in the water. I find aromatherapy really helps me to unwind and sleep. I find what is most affected is the quality of my sleep so I try and do relaxation exercises like focussing on my breathing, aromatherapy and some light stretching.
I don't have anyone to talk to and people here are just as fragile to talk to about my problems when they have their own. I just play video games, read books, watch videos, write and walk around town just to get my mind off things. Financial matters have always been the one giving me stress, especially knowing that I owe people money. I do tend to eat my stress but I want to be physically healthy at least so I busy myself with more productive means.
I don't really like to read when I am stressed, because I find that if the story is not exceptionally well written and engaging, that there will be frequent moments where I will take myself out of the story to stress about whatever it is that is stressing me out, and then I will have to ease myself back into the story. One of the most inexpensive ways to de-stress is meditation, in my opinion. It is free, and you have no stimuli to take you back into the stress of life once you are in that peaceful space between being awake and asleep.
Agreed.. when I used to read fiction, I'd constantly have to reread a lot of the book if I were stressing about things in general lol. Meditation et al is awesome, but many won't even attempt it. They don't understand it and won't take the time to figure it out. Just like when I preach blocking or choosing happy etc, it's all the same thing. People don't believe you can "rewire" your brain.. they believe (and most want to believe) that they have no control over how they feel, what they think or any given outcome. But when you give it a shot.. when you realize your brain rawks and you aren't actually too weak to help yourself, your whole life changes. The cheapest way to destress is to let yourself.
Hahaha. I am sure that it is more common than we think, but you are the only person that I have ever spoke to who experiences the same thing when reading. Sometimes some of the subjects that I would read about would remind me of whatever I was worrying about, and then I would be sitting there for about ten minutes stressing, before remembering that I have a story to read. I agree with you 100%!!!! That is why I spoke about the Wim Hof breathing method above, which scientifically assists us, and if you do meditation after doing it, it is like your brain is more receptive to positive affirmations and choosing happy. I don't know how much the course is currently, but I managed to not have to pay and now I am just doing the technique. Staying happy is much easier, and my libido is out of control lol.
That's amazing I love when people get it. They're our brains, we can do what we want with them.. stress isn't the boss of us! lol. By default, our bodies want to be stress free.. they want to be healthy and all the positives people mess up with their own thoughts and misconceptions. Yeh yeh.. "it's not that easy", MY thoughts/stresses/depression are different. Sure... I used to read and think at the same time.. when I'd realize I was wandering, I'd notice 5 pages had passed and I had no idea what was going on anymore. But my problems had somehow grown haha... Going to look up that method. I already control my happy/thoughts etc, but sounds interesting!
My go-to ways of de-stressing that cost NOTHING are confiding in my nearest and dearest. After all, they do say a problem shared is a problem halved, right? I also like to channel all that negative energy into a high level work out, work t out and really sweat it out. I find I always feel much, much better after that and my problems don't seem as big. Something I never thought could work for me is journaling! Once, not too long ago, I was going through something very personal that I didn't feel I could share with ANYONE. It was really eating away at me, and I felt like I might burst from the stress of it. So I committed it all to my diary, and it really, really helped me. So that when I came to bring it up with the concerned person, I was also very calm and rational and didn't blow up. People, journaling really does work. It seems too simple to, but it weirdly does.
Taking a nap is quite effective and cheap enough, since you only need a comfortable bed. Playing videogames is another option, and yes, there are unexpensive (and even free) alternatives to multi million dollars budget 60$ games, that doesn't require much hardware to run and they are very enjoyable (right now treasure adventure game comes in mind). Go outside and jog or walk to the nearest park is probably your cheapest option, as long as you live in a quite neighborhood.
Few people like to accept responsibility, and thus claiming their own power. It is scary to people, especially if that is mostly all they have ever known. The reason the world is in the mess that it is in is because people are afraid of taking responsibility for their own power and happiness. They rather governing bodies decide everything, thus this is the result. Wim Hof combines the breathing technique with ice baths (cryotherapy) Our shower is stuck on one setting at the moment, so I am considering booking an appointment at a cryotherapy chamber, nearby. I have no idea how much it is going to cost.